Source code for

This data class is for working with similarity/dissimilarity matrices

__author__ = ["Luke Chang"]
__license__ = "MIT"

import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from scipy.stats import ttest_1samp
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nltools.stats import (
from nltools.stats import regress as regression
from nltools.plotting import plot_stacked_adjacency, plot_silhouette
from nltools.utils import (
from .design_matrix import Design_Matrix
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from pathlib import Path
from h5py import File as h5File
import warnings

# Optional dependencies
nx = attempt_to_import("networkx", "nx")
tables = attempt_to_import("tables")

MAX_INT = np.iinfo(np.int32).max

[docs]class Adjacency(object): """ Adjacency is a class to represent Adjacency matrices as a vector rather than a 2-dimensional matrix. This makes it easier to perform data manipulation and analyses. Args: data: pandas data instance or list of files matrix_type: (str) type of matrix. Possible values include: ['distance','similarity','directed','distance_flat', 'similarity_flat','directed_flat'] Y: Pandas DataFrame of training labels **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments """ def __init__(self, data=None, Y=None, matrix_type=None, labels=None, **kwargs): if matrix_type is not None and matrix_type.lower() not in [ "distance", "similarity", "directed", "distance_flat", "similarity_flat", "directed_flat", ]: raise ValueError( "matrix_type must be [None,'distance', " "'similarity','directed','distance_flat', " "'similarity_flat','directed_flat']" ) # Flag to support hdf5 files saved using nltools <= 0.4.8 legacy_h5 = kwargs.pop("legacy_h5", False) # Setup data if data is None: = np.array([]) self.matrix_type = "empty" self.is_single_matrix = np.nan self.issymmetric = np.nan # List of Adjacency or filepaths to h5s or csvs elif isinstance(data, list): if isinstance(data[0], Adjacency): tmp = concatenate(data) for item in ["data", "matrix_type", "Y", "issymmetric"]: setattr(self, item, getattr(tmp, item)) # File paths or array/dataframes # NOTE: We don't support list of hdf5 filepaths! Only .csvs else: d_all = [] symmetric_all = [] matrix_type_all = [] for d in data: # CSV or array/dataframe ( data_tmp, issymmetric_tmp, matrix_type_tmp, _, ) = self._import_single_data(d, matrix_type=matrix_type) d_all.append(data_tmp) symmetric_all.append(issymmetric_tmp) matrix_type_all.append(matrix_type_tmp) if not all_same(symmetric_all): raise ValueError( "Not all matrices are of the same " "symmetric type." ) if not all_same(matrix_type_all): raise ValueError("Not all matrices are of the same matrix " "type.") = np.array(d_all) self.issymmetric = symmetric_all[0] self.matrix_type = matrix_type_all[0] self.is_single_matrix = False # File path elif isinstance(data, (str, Path)): to_load = str(data) # HDF5 if (".h5" in to_load) or (".hdf5" in to_load): if legacy_h5: with tables.open_file(to_load, mode="r") as f: # Setup data = np.array(f.root["data"]) # Setup Y if len(list(f.root["Y_columns"])): self.Y = pd.DataFrame( np.array(f.root["Y"]).squeeze(), columns=[ e.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(e, bytes) else e for e in np.array(f.root["Y_columns"]) ], index=[ e.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(e, bytes) else e for e in np.array(f.root["Y_index"]) ], ) else: self.Y = pd.DataFrame() # Setup other attributes if "matrix_type" in f.root: self.matrix_type = list(f.root["matrix_type"])[0] else: warnings.warn( "unknown matrix_type, key was missing in h5 file, assuming 'distance'" ) self.matrix_type = "distance_flat" if "labels" in f.root: self.labels = list(f.root["labels"]) else: self.labels = None # Compute other properties from data and matrix type (, self.issymmetric, self.matrix_type, self.is_single_matrix, ) = self._import_single_data(, matrix_type=self.matrix_type ) return else: # Load X and Y attributes with pd.HDFStore(to_load, "r") as f: self.Y = f["Y"] # Load other attributes with h5File(to_load, "r") as f: = np.array(f["data"]) self.matrix_type = f["matrix_type"][()].decode() self.is_single_matrix = f["is_single_matrix"][()] self.issymmetric = f["issymmetric"][()] # Deepdish saved empty label lists as np arrays of length 1 if len(f["labels"]) == 1: self.labels = list(f["labels"]) elif len(f["labels"]) > 1: self.labels = list(f["labels"].asstr()) else: self.labels = [] # Done initializing return # CSV or array/dateframe else: (, self.issymmetric, self.matrix_type, self.is_single_matrix, ) = self._import_single_data(data, matrix_type=matrix_type) # CSV or array/dataframe else: (, self.issymmetric, self.matrix_type, self.is_single_matrix, ) = self._import_single_data(data, matrix_type=matrix_type) # Setup Y dataframe if Y is None: self.Y = pd.DataFrame() elif isinstance(Y, (str, Path)): self.Y = pd.read_csv(Y, header=None, index_col=None) elif isinstance(Y, pd.DataFrame): self.Y = Y else: raise TypeError("Make sure Y filepath or pandas data frame.") # Ensure consistency if not self.Y.empty and[0] != self.Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( f"Y rows ({self.Y.shape[0]}) do not match data rows ({[0]})" ) if labels is None: self.labels = [] elif isinstance(labels, (list, np.ndarray)): if self.is_single_matrix: if len(labels) != self.square_shape()[0]: raise ValueError( "Make sure the length of labels matches the shape of data." ) self.labels = deepcopy(labels) else: if len(labels) != len(self): if len(labels) != self.square_shape()[0]: raise ValueError( "Make sure length of labels either " "matches the number of Adjacency " "matrices or the size of a single " "matrix." ) else: self.labels = list(labels) * len(self) else: if np.all( np.array([len(x) for x in labels]) != self.square_shape()[0] ): raise ValueError( "All lists of labels must be same length as shape of data." ) self.labels = deepcopy(labels) else: raise TypeError("Make sure labels is a list or numpy array.") def __repr__(self): return ( "%s.%s(shape=%s, square_shape=%s, Y=%s, is_symmetric=%s," "matrix_type=%s)" ) % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, self.shape(), self.square_shape(), self.Y.shape, self.issymmetric, self.matrix_type, ) def __getitem__(self, index): new = self.copy() if isinstance(index, (int, np.integer)): = np.array([index, :]).squeeze() new.is_single_matrix = True else: = np.array([index, :]).squeeze() new.is_single_matrix = self._test_is_single_matrix( if not self.Y.empty: new.Y = self.Y.iloc[index] return new def __len__(self): if self.is_single_matrix: return 1 else: return[0] def __iter__(self): for x in range(len(self)): yield self[x] def __add__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = + y elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = + else: raise ValueError("Can only add int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __radd__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = y + elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = + else: raise ValueError("Can only add int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __sub__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = - y elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = - else: raise ValueError("Can only subtract int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __rsub__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = y - elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = - else: raise ValueError("Can only subtract int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __mul__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = * y elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = np.multiply(, else: raise ValueError("Can only multiply int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __rmul__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = y * elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = np.multiply(, else: raise ValueError("Can only multiply int, float, or Adjacency") return new def __truediv__(self, y): new = deepcopy(self) if isinstance(y, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)): = / y elif isinstance(y, Adjacency): if self.shape() != y.shape(): raise ValueError( "Both Adjacency() instances need to be the " "same shape." ) = np.divide(, else: raise ValueError("Can only divide int, float, or Adjacency") return new @staticmethod def _test_is_single_matrix(data): """Static method because it belongs to the class, ie is only invoked via self.test_single_matrix or Adjacency.test_single_matrix and requires no self argument.""" return len(data.shape) == 1 def _import_single_data(self, data, matrix_type=None): """Helper function to import single data matrix.""" if isinstance(data, str) or isinstance(data, Path): if os.path.isfile(data): data = pd.read_csv(data) else: raise ValueError("Make sure you have specified a valid file " "path.") if matrix_type is not None: if matrix_type.lower() == "distance_flat": matrix_type = "distance" data = np.array(data) issymmetric = True is_single_matrix = self._test_is_single_matrix(data) elif matrix_type.lower() == "similarity_flat": matrix_type = "similarity" data = np.array(data) issymmetric = True is_single_matrix = self._test_is_single_matrix(data) elif matrix_type.lower() == "directed_flat": matrix_type = "directed" data = np.array(data).flatten() issymmetric = False is_single_matrix = self._test_is_single_matrix(data) elif matrix_type.lower() in ["distance", "similarity", "directed"]: if data.shape[0] != data.shape[1]: raise ValueError("Data matrix must be square") data = np.array(data) matrix_type = matrix_type.lower() if matrix_type in ["distance", "similarity"]: issymmetric = True data = data[np.triu_indices(data.shape[0], k=1)] else: issymmetric = False if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values.flatten() elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = data.flatten() is_single_matrix = True else: if len(data.shape) == 1: # Single Vector try: data = squareform(data) except ValueError: print( "Data is not flattened upper triangle from " "similarity/distance matrix or flattened directed " "matrix." ) is_single_matrix = True elif data.shape[0] == data.shape[1]: # Square Matrix is_single_matrix = True else: # Rectangular Matrix data_all = deepcopy(data) try: data = squareform(data_all[0, :]) except ValueError: print( "Data is not flattened upper triangle from multiple " "similarity/distance matrices or flattened directed " "matrices." ) is_single_matrix = False # Test if matrix is symmetrical if np.all( data[np.triu_indices(data.shape[0], k=1)] == data.T[np.triu_indices(data.shape[0], k=1)] ): issymmetric = True else: issymmetric = False # Determine matrix type if issymmetric: if np.sum(np.diag(data)) == 0: matrix_type = "distance" elif np.sum(np.diag(data)) == data.shape[0]: matrix_type = "similarity" data = data[np.triu_indices(data.shape[0], k=1)] else: matrix_type = "directed" data = data.flatten() if not is_single_matrix: data = data_all return (data, issymmetric, matrix_type, is_single_matrix)
[docs] def isempty(self): """Check if Adjacency object is empty""" return bool(self.matrix_type == "empty")
[docs] def squareform(self): """Convert adjacency back to squareform""" if self.issymmetric: if self.is_single_matrix: return squareform( else: return [squareform( for x in self] else: if self.is_single_matrix: return int(np.sqrt([0])), int(np.sqrt([0])) ) else: return [ int(np.sqrt([0])), int(np.sqrt([0])) ) for x in self ]
[docs] def plot(self, limit=3, axes=None, *args, **kwargs): """Create Heatmap of Adjacency Matrix Can pass in any sns.heatmap argument Args: limit: (int) number of heatmaps to plot if object contains multiple adjacencies (default: 3) axes: matplotlib axis handle """ if self.is_single_matrix: if axes is None: _, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, figsize=(7, 5)) if self.labels: sns.heatmap( self.squareform(), square=True, ax=axes, xticklabels=self.labels, yticklabels=self.labels, *args, **kwargs, ) else: sns.heatmap(self.squareform(), square=True, ax=axes, *args, **kwargs) else: if axes is not None: print("axes is ignored when plotting multiple images") n_subs = np.minimum(len(self), limit) _, a = plt.subplots(nrows=n_subs, figsize=(7, len(self) * 5)) for i in range(n_subs): if self.labels: sns.heatmap( self[i].squareform(), square=True, xticklabels=self.labels[i], yticklabels=self.labels[i], ax=a[i], *args, **kwargs, ) else: sns.heatmap( self[i].squareform(), square=True, ax=a[i], *args, **kwargs ) return
[docs] def mean(self, axis=0): """Calculate mean of Adjacency Args: axis: (int) calculate mean over features (0) or data (1). For data it will be on upper triangle. Returns: mean: float if single, adjacency if axis=0, np.array if axis=1 and multiple """ if self.is_single_matrix: return np.nanmean( else: if axis == 0: return Adjacency( data=np.nanmean(, axis=axis), matrix_type=self.matrix_type + "_flat", ) elif axis == 1: return np.nanmean(, axis=axis)
[docs] def sum(self, axis=0): """Calculate sum of Adjacency Args: axis: (int) calculate mean over features (0) or data (1). For data it will be on upper triangle. Returns: mean: float if single, adjacency if axis=0, np.array if axis=1 and multiple """ if self.is_single_matrix: return np.nansum( else: if axis == 0: return Adjacency( data=np.nansum(, axis=axis), matrix_type=self.matrix_type + "_flat", ) elif axis == 1: return np.nansum(, axis=axis)
[docs] def std(self, axis=0): """Calculate standard deviation of Adjacency Args: axis: (int) calculate std over features (0) or data (1). For data it will be on upper triangle. Returns: std: float if single, adjacency if axis=0, np.array if axis=1 and multiple """ if self.is_single_matrix: return np.nanstd( else: if axis == 0: return Adjacency( data=np.nanstd(, axis=axis), matrix_type=self.matrix_type + "_flat", ) elif axis == 1: return np.nanstd(, axis=axis)
[docs] def median(self, axis=0): """Calculate median of Adjacency Args: axis: (int) calculate median over features (0) or data (1). For data it will be on upper triangle. Returns: mean: float if single, adjacency if axis=0, np.array if axis=1 and multiple """ if self.is_single_matrix: return np.nanmedian( else: if axis == 0: return Adjacency( data=np.nanmedian(, axis=axis), matrix_type=self.matrix_type + "_flat", ) elif axis == 1: return np.nanmedian(, axis=axis)
[docs] def shape(self): """Calculate shape of data.""" return
[docs] def square_shape(self): """Calculate shape of squareform data.""" if self.matrix_type == "empty": return np.array([]) else: if self.is_single_matrix: return self.squareform().shape else: return self[0].squareform().shape
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of Adjacency object.""" return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def append(self, data): """Append data to Adjacency instance Args: data: (Adjacency) Adjacency instance to append Returns: out: (Adjacency) new appended Adjacency instance """ if not isinstance(data, Adjacency): raise ValueError("Make sure data is a Adjacency instance.") if self.isempty(): out = data.copy() else: out = self.copy() if self.square_shape() != data.square_shape(): raise ValueError("Data is not the same shape as Adjacency " "instance.") = np.vstack([,]) out.is_single_matrix = False if out.Y.size: out.Y = self.Y.append(data.Y) return out
[docs] def write(self, file_name, method="long"): """Write out Adjacency object to csv file. Args: file_name (str): name of file name to write method (str): method to write out data ['long','square'] """ if method not in ["long", "square"]: raise ValueError('Make sure method is ["long","square"].') if isinstance(file_name, Path): file_name = str(file_name) if (".h5" in file_name) or (".hdf5" in file_name): if method == "square": raise NotImplementedError( 'Saving as hdf5 does not support method="square"' ) to_h5(self, file_name, obj_type="adjacency") else: if method == "long": pd.DataFrame(, index=None) elif self.is_single_matrix and method == "square": pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()).to_csv(file_name, index=None) elif not self.is_single_matrix and method == "square": raise NotImplementedError( "Need to decide how we should write out multiple matrices. As separate files?" )
[docs] def similarity( self, data, plot=False, perm_type="2d", n_permute=5000, metric="spearman", ignore_diagonal=False, **kwargs, ): """ Calculate similarity between two Adjacency matrices. Default is to use spearman correlation and permutation test. Args: data (Adjacency or array): Adjacency data, or 1-d array same size as perm_type: (str) '1d','2d', or None metric: (str) 'spearman','pearson','kendall' ignore_diagonal: (bool) only applies to 'directed' Adjacency types using perm_type=None or perm_type='1d' """ data1 = self.copy() if not isinstance(data, Adjacency): data2 = Adjacency(data) else: data2 = data.copy() if perm_type is None: n_permute = 0 similarity_func = correlation_permutation elif perm_type == "1d": similarity_func = correlation_permutation elif perm_type == "2d": similarity_func = matrix_permutation else: raise ValueError("perm_type must be ['1d','2d', or None']") def _convert_data_similarity( data, perm_type=None, ignore_diagonal=ignore_diagonal ): """Helper function to convert data correctly""" if (perm_type is None) or (perm_type == "1d"): if ignore_diagonal and (not data.issymmetric): d = data.squareform() data = d[~np.eye(d.shape[0]).astype(bool)] else: data = elif perm_type == "2d": if not data.issymmetric: raise TypeError( f"data must be symmetric to do {perm_type} permutation" ) else: data = data.squareform() else: raise ValueError("perm_type must be ['1d','2d', or None']") return data if self.is_single_matrix: if plot: plot_stacked_adjacency(self, data) return similarity_func( _convert_data_similarity(data1, perm_type=perm_type), _convert_data_similarity(data2, perm_type=perm_type), metric=metric, n_permute=n_permute, **kwargs, ) else: if plot: _, a = plt.subplots(len(self)) for i in a: plot_stacked_adjacency(self, data, ax=i) return [ similarity_func( _convert_data_similarity(x, perm_type=perm_type), _convert_data_similarity(data2, perm_type=perm_type), metric=metric, n_permute=n_permute, **kwargs, ) for x in self ]
[docs] def distance(self, metric="correlation", **kwargs): """Calculate distance between images within an Adjacency() instance. Args: metric: (str) type of distance metric (can use any scikit learn or sciypy metric) Returns: dist: (Adjacency) Outputs a 2D distance matrix. """ return Adjacency( pairwise_distances(, metric=metric, **kwargs), matrix_type="distance", )
[docs] def r_to_z(self): """Apply Fisher's r to z transformation to each element of the data object.""" out = self.copy() = fisher_r_to_z( return out
[docs] def z_to_r(self): """Convert z score back into r value for each element of data object""" out = self.copy() = fisher_z_to_r( return out
[docs] def threshold(self, upper=None, lower=None, binarize=False): """Threshold Adjacency instance. Provide upper and lower values or percentages to perform two-sided thresholding. Binarize will return a mask image respecting thresholds if provided, otherwise respecting every non-zero value. Args: upper: (float or str) Upper cutoff for thresholding. If string will interpret as percentile; can be None for one-sided thresholding. lower: (float or str) Lower cutoff for thresholding. If string will interpret as percentile; can be None for one-sided thresholding. binarize (bool): return binarized image respecting thresholds if provided, otherwise binarize on every non-zero value; default False Returns: Adjacency: thresholded Adjacency instance """ b = self.copy() if isinstance(upper, str) and upper[-1] == "%": upper = np.percentile(, float(upper[:-1])) if isinstance(lower, str) and lower[-1] == "%": lower = np.percentile(, float(lower[:-1])) if upper and lower:[( < upper) & ( > lower)] = 0 elif upper:[ < upper] = 0 elif lower:[ > lower] = 0 if binarize:[ != 0] = 1 return b
[docs] def to_graph(self): """Convert Adjacency into networkx graph. only works on single_matrix for now.""" if self.is_single_matrix: if self.matrix_type == "directed": G = nx.DiGraph(self.squareform()) else: G = nx.Graph(self.squareform()) if self.labels: labels = {x: y for x, y in zip(G.nodes, self.labels)} nx.relabel_nodes(G, labels, copy=False) return G else: raise NotImplementedError( "This function currently only works on " "single matrices." )
[docs] def ttest(self, permutation=False, **kwargs): """Calculate ttest across samples. Args: permutation: (bool) Run ttest as permutation. Note this can be very slow. Returns: out: (dict) contains Adjacency instances of t values (or mean if running permutation) and Adjacency instance of p values. """ if self.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError("t-test cannot be run on single matrices.") if permutation: t = [] p = [] for i in range([1]): stats = one_sample_permutation([:, i], **kwargs) t.append(stats["mean"]) p.append(stats["p"]) t = Adjacency(np.array(t)) p = Adjacency(np.array(p)) else: t = self.mean().copy() p = deepcopy(t), = ttest_1samp(, 0, 0) return {"t": t, "p": p}
[docs] def plot_label_distance(self, labels=None, ax=None): """Create a violin plot indicating within and between label distance Args: labels (np.array): numpy array of labels to plot Returns: f: violin plot handles """ if not self.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError( "This function only works on single adjacency " "matrices." ) distance = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) if labels is None: labels = np.array(deepcopy(self.labels)) else: if len(labels) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Labels must be same length as distance matrix") out = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Distance", "Group", "Type"], index=None) for i in np.unique(labels): tmp_w = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_w["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1) ] tmp_w["Type"] = "Within" tmp_w["Group"] = i tmp_b = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_b["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels != i, labels != i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1) ] tmp_b["Type"] = "Between" tmp_b["Group"] = i out = out.append(tmp_w).append(tmp_b) f = sns.violinplot( x="Group", y="Distance", hue="Type", data=out, split=True, inner="quartile", palette={"Within": "lightskyblue", "Between": "red"}, ax=ax, ) f.set_ylabel("Average Distance") f.set_title("Average Group Distance") return
[docs] def stats_label_distance(self, labels=None, n_permute=5000, n_jobs=-1): """Calculate permutation tests on within and between label distance. Args: labels (np.array): numpy array of labels to plot n_permute (int): number of permutations to run (default=5000) Returns: dict: dictionary of within and between group differences and p-values """ if not self.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError( "This function only works on single adjacency " "matrices." ) distance = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) if labels is not None: labels = deepcopy(self.labels) else: if len(labels) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Labels must be same length as distance matrix") out = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Distance", "Group", "Type"], index=None) for i in np.unique(labels): tmp_w = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_w["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1) ] tmp_w["Type"] = "Within" tmp_w["Group"] = i tmp_b = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_b["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels != i].values.flatten() tmp_b["Type"] = "Between" tmp_b["Group"] = i out = out.append(tmp_w).append(tmp_b) stats = {} for i in np.unique(labels): # Within group test tmp1 = out.loc[(out["Group"] == i) & (out["Type"] == "Within"), "Distance"] tmp2 = out.loc[(out["Group"] == i) & (out["Type"] == "Between"), "Distance"] stats[str(i)] = two_sample_permutation( tmp1, tmp2, n_permute=n_permute, n_jobs=n_jobs ) return stats
[docs] def plot_silhouette( self, labels=None, ax=None, permutation_test=True, n_permute=5000, **kwargs ): """Create a silhouette plot""" distance = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) if labels is None: labels = np.array(deepcopy(self.labels)) else: if len(labels) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Labels must be same length as distance matrix") return plot_silhouette( distance, pd.Series(labels), ax=None, permutation_test=True, n_permute=5000, **kwargs, )
[docs] def bootstrap( self, function, n_samples=5000, save_weights=False, n_jobs=-1, random_state=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Bootstrap an Adjacency method. Args: function: (str) method to apply to data for each bootstrap n_samples: (int) number of samples to bootstrap with replacement save_weights: (bool) Save each bootstrap iteration (useful for aggregating many bootstraps on a cluster) n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs.Returns: Returns: summarized studentized bootstrap output Examples: >>> b = dat.bootstrap('mean', n_samples=5000) >>> b = dat.bootstrap('predict', n_samples=5000, algorithm='ridge') >>> b = dat.bootstrap('predict', n_samples=5000, save_weights=True) """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_samples) bootstrapped = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_bootstrap_apply_func)( self, function, random_state=seeds[i], *args, **kwargs ) for i in range(n_samples) ) bootstrapped = Adjacency(bootstrapped) return summarize_bootstrap(bootstrapped, save_weights=save_weights)
[docs] def isc( self, n_samples=5000, metric="median", ci_percentile=95, exclude_self_corr=True, return_null=False, tail=2, n_jobs=-1, random_state=None, ): """Compute intersubject correlation. This implementation uses the subject-wise bootstrap method from Chen et al., 2016. Instead of recomputing the pairwise ISC using circle_shift or phase_randomization methods, this approach uses the computationally more efficient method of bootstrapping the subjects and computing a new pairwise similarity matrix with randomly selected subjects with replacement. If the same subject is selected multiple times, we set the perfect correlation to a nan with (exclude_self_corr=True). As recommended by Chen et al., 2016, we compute the median pairwise ISC by default. However, if the mean is preferred, we compute the mean correlation after performing the fisher r-to-z transformation and then convert back to correlations to minimize artificially inflating the correlation values. We compute the p-values using the percentile method using the same method in Brainiak. Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B., & Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I: nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level. NeuroImage, 142, 248-259. Hall, P., & Wilson, S. R. (1991). Two guidelines for bootstrap hypothesis testing. Biometrics, 757-762. Args: n_bootstraps: (int) number of bootstraps metric: (str) type of association metric ['spearman','pearson','kendall'] tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2) n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs. return_parms: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False Returns: stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p'] """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if metric not in ["mean", "median"]: raise ValueError("metric must be ['mean', 'median']") if not self.is_single_matrix: raise NotImplementedError( "Currently we can only compute ISC values on single Adjacency matrices" ) if metric == "mean": isc = np.tanh(self.r_to_z().mean()) elif metric == "median": isc = self.median() stats = {"isc": isc} all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_bootstrap_isc)( self, metric=metric, exclude_self_corr=exclude_self_corr, random_state=random_state, ) for _ in range(n_samples) ) stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_bootstraps - stats["isc"], stats["isc"], tail) stats["ci"] = ( np.percentile(np.array(all_bootstraps), (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0), np.percentile( np.array(all_bootstraps), ci_percentile + (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0, ), ) if return_null: stats["null_distribution"] = all_bootstraps return stats
[docs] def isc_group( self, group, n_samples=5000, metric="median", method="permute", ci_percentile=95, exclude_self_corr=True, return_null=False, tail=2, n_jobs=-1, random_state=None, ): """Compute intersubject correlation differences between groups. This function computes pairwise intersubject correlations (ISC) using the median as recommended by Chen et al., 2016). However, if the mean is preferred, we compute the mean correlation after performing the fisher r-to-z transformation and then convert back to correlations to minimize artificially inflating the correlation values. There are currently two different methods to compute p-values. By default, we use the subject-wise permutation method recommended Chen et al., 2016. This method combines the two groups and computes pairwise similarity both within and between the groups. Then the group labels are permuted and the mean difference between the two groups are recomputed to generate a null distribution. The second method uses subject-wise bootstrapping, where a new pairwise similarity matrix with randomly selected subjects with replacement is created separately for each group and the ISC difference between these groups is used to generate a null distribution. If the same subject is selected multiple times, we set the perfect correlation to a nan with (exclude_self_corr=True). We compute the p-values using the percentile method (Hall & Wilson, 1991). Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B., & Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I: nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level. NeuroImage, 142, 248-259. Hall, P., & Wilson, S. R. (1991). Two guidelines for bootstrap hypothesis testing. Biometrics, 757-762. Args: group: (np.array) vector of group ids corresponding to subject data in Adjacency instance n_samples: (int) number of samples for permutation or bootstrapping metric: (str) type of isc summary metric ['mean','median'] method: (str) method to compute p-values ['permute', 'bootstrap'] (default: permute) tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2) n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs. return_null: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False Returns: stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p'] """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) if metric not in ["mean", "median"]: raise ValueError("metric must be ['mean', 'median']") if not self.is_single_matrix: raise NotImplementedError( "Currently we can only compute ISC values on single Adjacency matrices" ) if not isinstance(group, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("group must be a numpy array.") if len(group) != self.square_shape()[0]: raise ValueError( "Group array must be the same length as the Adjacency instance." ) if len(np.unique(group)) != 2: raise ValueError( "There must only be 2 unique group ids in the group array." ) group1_id, group2_id = np.unique(group) group1 = Adjacency( self.squareform()[group == group1_id, :][:, group == group1_id], matrix_type="similarity", ) group2 = Adjacency( self.squareform()[group == group2_id, :][:, group == group2_id], matrix_type="similarity", ) stats = { "isc_group_difference": _compute_isc_group(group1, group2, metric=metric) } if method == "permute": isc_group_differences_null = np.array( Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_permute_isc_group)( self, group, metric=metric, random_state=random_state ) for _ in range(n_samples) ) ) elif method == "bootstrap": group1_all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_bootstrap_isc)( group1, metric=metric, exclude_self_corr=exclude_self_corr, random_state=random_state, ) for _ in range(n_samples) ) group2_all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_bootstrap_isc)( group2, metric=metric, exclude_self_corr=exclude_self_corr, random_state=random_state, ) for _ in range(n_samples) ) isc_group_differences_null = ( np.array(group1_all_bootstraps) - np.array(group2_all_bootstraps) ) - stats["isc_group_difference"] else: raise NotImplementedError("method can only be ['permutation', 'bootstrap']") isc_group_differences_null = isc_group_differences_null[ ~np.isnan(isc_group_differences_null) ] stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue( isc_group_differences_null, stats["isc_group_difference"], tail ) stats["ci"] = ( np.percentile( isc_group_differences_null, (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0 ), np.percentile( isc_group_differences_null, ci_percentile + (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0, ), ) if return_null: stats["null_distribution"] = isc_group_differences_null return stats
[docs] def plot_mds( self, n_components=2, metric=True, labels=None, labels_color=None,, n_jobs=-1, view=(30, 20), figsize=[12, 8], ax=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Plot Multidimensional Scaling Args: n_components: (int) Number of dimensions to project (can be 2 or 3) metric: (bool) Perform metric or non-metric dimensional scaling; default labels: (list) Can override labels stored in Adjacency Class labels_color: (str) list of colors for labels, if len(1) then make all same color n_jobs: (int) Number of parallel jobs view: (tuple) view for 3-Dimensional plot; default (30,20) """ if self.matrix_type != "distance": raise ValueError("MDS only works on distance matrices.") if not self.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError("MDS only works on single matrices.") if n_components not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Cannot plot {0}-d image".format(n_components)) if labels is not None: if len(labels) != self.square_shape()[0]: raise ValueError( "Make sure labels matches the same shape as Adjaency data" ) else: labels = self.labels if labels_color is not None: if len(labels) == 0: raise ValueError( "Make sure that Adjacency object has labels specified." ) if len(labels) != len(labels_color): raise ValueError("Length of labels_color must match self.labels.") # Run MDS mds = MDS( n_components=n_components, metric=metric, n_jobs=n_jobs, dissimilarity="precomputed", *args, **kwargs, ) proj = mds.fit_transform(self.squareform()) # Create Plot if ax is None: # Create axis fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if n_components == 3: ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="3d") ax.view_init(*view) elif n_components == 2: ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Plot dots if n_components == 3: ax.scatter(proj[:, 0], proj[:, 1], proj[:, 2], s=1, c="k") elif n_components == 2: ax.scatter(proj[:, 0], proj[:, 1], s=1, c="k") # Plot labels if labels_color is None: labels_color = ["black"] * len(labels) if n_components == 3: for (x, y, z), label, color in zip(proj, labels, labels_color): ax.text( x, y, z, label, color="white", bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=1, boxstyle="round,pad=0.3"), ) else: for (x, y), label, color in zip(proj, labels, labels_color): ax.text( x, y, label, color="white", # color, bbox=dict(facecolor=color, alpha=1, boxstyle="round,pad=0.3"), ) ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False)
[docs] def distance_to_similarity(self, metric="correlation", beta=1): """Convert distance matrix to similarity matrix. Note: currently only implemented for correlation and euclidean. Args: metric: (str) Can only be correlation or euclidean beta: (float) parameter to scale exponential function (default: 1) for euclidean Returns: out: (Adjacency) Adjacency object """ if self.matrix_type == "distance": if metric == "correlation": return Adjacency(1 - self.squareform(), matrix_type="similarity") elif metric == "euclidean": return Adjacency( np.exp(-beta * self.squareform() / self.squareform().std()), labels=self.labels, matrix_type="similarity", ) else: raise ValueError('metric can only be ["correlation","euclidean"]') else: raise ValueError("Matrix is not a distance matrix.")
[docs] def cluster_summary(self, clusters=None, metric="mean", summary="within"): """This function provides summaries of clusters within Adjacency matrices. It can compute mean/median of within and between cluster values. Requires a list of cluster ids indicating the row/column of each cluster. Args: clusters: (list) list of cluster labels metric: (str) method to summarize mean or median. If 'None" then return all r values summary: (str) summarize within cluster or between clusters Returns: dict: (dict) within cluster means """ if metric not in ["mean", "median", None]: raise ValueError("metric must be ['mean','median', None]") distance = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) clusters = np.array(clusters) if len(clusters) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Cluster labels must be same length as distance matrix") out = {} for i in list(set(clusters)): if summary == "within": if metric == "mean": out[i] = np.mean( distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(clusters == i), k=1) ] ) elif metric == "median": out[i] = np.median( distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(clusters == i), k=1) ] ) elif metric is None: out[i] = distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(clusters == i), k=1) ] elif summary == "between": if metric == "mean": out[i] = distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters != i].mean().mean() elif metric == "median": out[i] = ( distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters != i].median().median() ) elif metric is None: out[i] = distance.loc[clusters == i, clusters != i] return out
[docs] def regress(self, X, mode="ols", **kwargs): """Run a regression on an adjacency instance. You can decompose an adjacency instance with another adjacency instance. You can also decompose each pixel by passing a design_matrix instance. Args: X: Design matrix can be an Adjacency or Design_Matrix instance method: type of regression (default: ols) Returns: stats: (dict) dictionary of stats outputs. """ stats = {} if isinstance(X, Adjacency): if X.square_shape()[0] != self.square_shape()[0]: raise ValueError("Adjacency instances must be the same size.") ( stats["beta"], stats["sigma"], stats["t"], stats["p"], stats["df"], stats["residual"], ) = regression(,, mode=mode, **kwargs) elif isinstance(X, Design_Matrix): if X.shape[0] != len(self): raise ValueError( "Design matrix must have same number of observations as Adjacency" ) (b, se, t, p, df, res) = regression(X,, mode=mode, **kwargs) stats["beta"], stats["sigma"], stats["t"] = [x for x in self[:3]] stats["p"], stats["df"], stats["residual"] = [x for x in self[:3]] stats["beta"].data = b.squeeze() stats["sigma"].data = se.squeeze() stats["t"].data = t.squeeze() stats["p"].data = p.squeeze() stats["df"].data = df.squeeze() stats["residual"].data = res.squeeze() else: raise ValueError("X must be a Design_Matrix or Adjacency Instance.") return stats
[docs] def social_relations_model(self, summarize_results=True, nan_replace=True): """Estimate the social relations model from a matrix for a round-robin design. X_{ij} = m + \alpha_i + \beta_j + g_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijl} where X_{ij} is the score for person i rating person j, m is the group mean, \alpha_i is person i's actor effect, \beta_j is person j's partner effect, g_{ij} is the relationship effect and \epsilon_{ijl} is the error in measure l for actor i and partner j. This model is primarily concerned with partioning the variance of the various effects. Code is based on implementation presented in Chapter 8 of Kenny, Kashy, & Cook (2006). Tests replicate examples presented in the book. Note, that this method assumes that actor scores are rows (lower triangle), while partner scores are columnns (upper triangle). The minimal sample size to estimate these effects is 4. Model Assumptions: - Social interactions are exclusively dyadic - People are randomly sampled from population - No order effects - The effects combine additively and relationships are linear In the future we might update the formulas and standard errors based on Bond and Lashley, 1996 Args: self: (adjacency) can be a single matrix or many matrices for each group summarize_results: (bool) will provide a formatted summary of model results nan_replace: (bool) will replace nan values with row and column means Returns: estimated effects: (pd.Series/pd.DataFrame) All of the effects estimated using SRM """ def mean_square_between(x1, x2=None, df="standard"): """Calculate between dyad variance""" if df == "standard": n = len(x1) df = n - 1 elif df == "relationship": n = len(squareform(x1)) df = ((n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2) - 1 else: raise ValueError("df can only be ['standard', 'relationship']") if x2 is not None: return ( 2 * np.nansum((((x1 + x2) / 2) - np.nanmean((x1 + x2) / 2)) ** 2) / df ) else: return np.nansum((x1 - np.nanmean(x1)) ** 2) / df def mean_square_within(x1, x2, df="standard"): """Calculate within dyad variance""" if df == "standard": n = len(x1) df = n elif df == "relationship": n = len(squareform(x1)) df = (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2 else: raise ValueError("df can only be ['standard', 'relationship']") return np.nansum((x1 - x2) ** 2) / (2 * df) def estimate_person_effect(n, x1_mean, x2_mean, grand_mean): """Calculate effect for actor, partner, and relationship""" return ( ((n - 1) ** 2 / (n * (n - 2))) * x1_mean + ((n - 1) / (n * (n - 2))) * x2_mean - ((n - 1) / (n - 2)) * grand_mean ) def estimate_person_variance(x, ms_b, ms_w): """Calculate variance of a specific dyad member (e.g., actor, partner)""" n = len(x) return mean_square_between(x) - (ms_b / (2 * (n - 2))) - (ms_w / (2 * n)) def estimate_srm(data): """Estimate Social Relations Model from a Single Matrix""" if not data.is_single_matrix: raise ValueError( "This function only operates on single matrix Adjacency instances." ) n = data.square_shape()[0] if n < 4: raise ValueError( "The Social Relations Model cannote be estimated when sample size is less than 4." ) grand_mean = data.mean() dat = data.squareform().copy() np.fill_diagonal(dat, np.nan) actor_mean = np.nanmean(dat, axis=1) partner_mean = np.nanmean(dat, axis=0) a = estimate_person_effect( n, actor_mean, partner_mean, grand_mean ) # Actor effects b = estimate_person_effect( n, partner_mean, actor_mean, grand_mean ) # Partner effects # Relationship effects g = np.ones(dat.shape) * np.nan for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i != j: g[i, j] = dat[i, j] - a[i] - b[j] - grand_mean # Estimate Variance x1 = g[np.tril_indices(n, k=-1)] x2 = g[np.triu_indices(n, k=1)] ms_b = mean_square_between(x1, x2, df="relationship") ms_w = mean_square_within(x1, x2, df="relationship") actor_variance = estimate_person_variance(a, ms_b, ms_w) partner_variance = estimate_person_variance(b, ms_b, ms_w) relationship_variance = (ms_b + ms_w) / 2 dyadic_reciprocity_covariance = (ms_b - ms_w) / 2 dyadic_reciprocity_correlation = (ms_b - ms_w) / (ms_b + ms_w) actor_partner_covariance = ( (np.sum(a * b) / (n - 1)) - (ms_b / (2 * (n - 2))) + (ms_w / (2 * n)) ) actor_partner_correlation = actor_partner_covariance / ( np.sqrt(actor_variance * partner_variance) ) actor_reliability = actor_variance / ( actor_variance + (relationship_variance / (n - 1)) - (dyadic_reciprocity_covariance / ((n - 1) ** 2)) ) partner_reliability = partner_variance / ( partner_variance + (relationship_variance / (n - 1)) - (dyadic_reciprocity_covariance / ((n - 1) ** 2)) ) adjusted_dyadic_reciprocity_correlation = ( actor_partner_correlation * np.sqrt(actor_reliability * partner_reliability) ) total_variance = actor_variance + partner_variance + relationship_variance return pd.Series( { "grand_mean": grand_mean, "actor_effect": a, "partner_effect": b, "relationship_effect": g, "actor_variance": actor_variance, "partner_variance": partner_variance, "relationship_variance": relationship_variance, "actor_partner_covariance": actor_partner_covariance, "actor_partner_correlation": actor_partner_correlation, "dyadic_reciprocity_covariance": dyadic_reciprocity_covariance, "dyadic_reciprocity_correlation": dyadic_reciprocity_correlation, "adjusted_dyadic_reciprocity_correlation": adjusted_dyadic_reciprocity_correlation, "actor_reliability": actor_reliability, "partner_reliability": partner_reliability, "total_variance": total_variance, } ) def summarize_srm_results(results): """Summarize results of SRM""" def estimate_srm_stats(results, var_name, tailed=1): estimate = results[var_name].mean() standardized = (results[var_name] / results["total_variance"]).mean() se = results[var_name].std() / np.sqrt(len(results[var_name])) t = estimate / se if tailed == 1: p = 1 - stats.t.cdf(t, len(results[var_name]) - 1) elif tailed == 2: p = 2 * (1 - stats.t.cdf(t, len(results[var_name]) - 1)) else: raise ValueError("tailed can only be [1,2]") return (estimate, standardized, se, t, p) def print_srm_stats(results, var_name, tailed=1): estimate, standardized, se, t, p = estimate_srm_stats( results, var_name, tailed ) print( f"{var_name:<40} {estimate:^10.2f}{standardized:^10.2f} {se:^10.2f} {t:^10.2f} {p:^10.4f}" ) def print_single_group_srm_stats(results, var_name): estimate = results[var_name].mean() standardized = (results[var_name] / results["total_variance"]).mean() print( f"{var_name:<40} {estimate:^10.2f}{standardized:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.4f}" ) def print_srm_covariances(results, var_name): estimate, _, se, t, p = estimate_srm_stats( results, f"{var_name}_covariance", tailed=2 ) standardized = results[f"{var_name}_correlation"].mean() print( f"{var_name:<40} {estimate:^10.2f}{standardized:^10.2f} {se:^10.2f} {t:^10.2f} {p:^10.4f}" ) def print_single_srm_covariances(results, var_name): estimate = results[f"{var_name}_covariance"].mean() standardized = results[f"{var_name}_correlation"].mean() print( f"{var_name:<40} {estimate:^10.2f}{standardized:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.2f} {np.nan:^10.4f}" ) if isinstance(results, pd.Series): n_groups = 1 group_size = results["actor_effect"].shape[0] elif isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame): n_groups = len(results) group_size = np.mean([x.shape for x in results["actor_effect"]]) print("Social Relations Model: Results") print("\n") print(f"Number of Groups: {n_groups:<20}") print(f"Average Group Size: {group_size:<20}") print("\n") print( f"{'':<40} {'Estimate':<10} {'Standardized':<10} {'se':<10} {'t':<10} {'p':<10}" ) if isinstance(results, pd.Series): print_single_group_srm_stats(results, "actor_variance") print_single_group_srm_stats(results, "partner_variance") print_single_group_srm_stats(results, "relationship_variance") print_single_srm_covariances(results, "actor_partner") print_single_srm_covariances(results, "dyadic_reciprocity") elif isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame): print_srm_stats(results, "actor_variance") print_srm_stats(results, "partner_variance") print_srm_stats(results, "relationship_variance") print_srm_covariances(results, "actor_partner") print_srm_covariances(results, "dyadic_reciprocity") print("\n") print( f"{'Actor Reliability':<20} {results['actor_reliability'].mean():^20.2f}" ) print( f"{'Partner Reliability':<20} {results['partner_reliability'].mean():^20.2f}" ) print("\n") def replace_missing(data): """Replace missing data with row/column means and return new data and missing coordinates""" def fix_missing(data): X = data.squareform().copy() x, y = np.where(np.isnan(X)) for i, j in zip(x, y): if i != j: X[i, j] = (np.nanmean(X[i, :]) + np.nanmean(X[:, j])) / 2 X = Adjacency(X, matrix_type=data.matrix_type) return (X, (x, y)) if data.is_single_matrix: X, coord = fix_missing(data) else: X = [] coord = [] for d in data: m, c = fix_missing(d) X.append(m) coord.append(c) X = Adjacency(X) return (X, coord) if nan_replace: data, _ = replace_missing(self) else: data = self.copy() if self.is_single_matrix: results = estimate_srm(data) else: results = pd.DataFrame([estimate_srm(x) for x in data]) if summarize_results: summarize_srm_results(results) return results
[docs] def generate_permutations(self, n_perm, random_state=None): """ Generate n_perm permutated versions of Adjacency in a lazy fashion. Useful for iterating against. Args: n_perm (int): number of permutations random_state (int, np.random.seed, optional): random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> for perm in adj.generate_permutations(1000): >>> out = neural_distance_mat.similarity(perm) >>> ... Yields: Adjacency: permuted version of self """ random_state = check_random_state(random_state) for _ in range(n_perm): dat = pd.DataFrame(self.squareform()) row_idx = range(dat.shape[0]) permuted_idx = random_state.choice( row_idx, size=len(row_idx), replace=False ) dat = dat.iloc[permuted_idx, permuted_idx].to_numpy() yield Adjacency(dat)