NeuroLearn File Reading Tools
__all__ = ["onsets_to_dm"]
__author__ = ["Eshin Jolly"]
__license__ = "MIT"
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from nltools.data import Design_Matrix
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
[docs]def onsets_to_dm(
This function can assist in reading in one or several in a 2-3 column onsets files, specified in seconds and converting it to a Design Matrix organized as samples X Stimulus Classes. sampling_freq should be specified in hertz; for TRs use hertz = 1/TR. Onsets files **must** be organized with columns in one of the following 4 formats:
1) 'Stim, Onset'
2) 'Onset, Stim'
3) 'Stim, Onset, Duration'
4) 'Onset, Duration, Stim'
No other file organizations are currently supported. *Note:* Stimulus offsets (onset + duration) that fall into an adjacent TR include that full TR. E.g. offset of 10.16s with TR = 2 has an offset of TR 5, which spans 10-12s, rather than an offset of TR 4, which spans 8-10s.
F (str/Path/pd.DataFrame): filepath or pandas dataframe
sampling_freq (float): samping frequency in hertz, i.e 1 / TR
run_length (int): run length in number of TRs
header (str/None, optional): whether there's an additional header row in the
supplied file/dataframe. See `pd.read_csv` for more details. Defaults to `"infer"`.
sort (bool, optional): whether to sort dataframe columns alphabetically. Defaults to False.
keep_separate (bool, optional): if a list of files or dataframes is supplied,
whether to create separate polynomial columns per file. Defaults to `True`.
add_poly (bool/int, optional): whether to add Nth order polynomials to design
matrix. Defaults to None.
unique_cols (list/None, optional): if a list of files or dataframes is supplied,
what additional columns to keep separate per file (e.g. spikes). Defaults to None.
fill_na (Any, optional): what to replace NaNs with. Defaults to None (no filling).
nltools.data.Design_Matrix: design matrix organized as TRs x Stims
if not isinstance(F, list):
F = [F]
if not isinstance(sampling_freq, (float, np.floating)):
raise TypeError("sampling_freq must be a float")
out = []
TR = 1.0 / sampling_freq
for f in F:
if isinstance(f, str) or isinstance(f, Path):
df = pd.read_csv(f, header=header, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(f, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):
df = f.copy()
raise TypeError("Input needs to be file path or pandas dataframe!")
# Keep an unaltered copy of the original dataframe for checking purposes below
data = df.copy()
if df.shape[1] == 2:
"Only 2 columns in file, assuming all stimuli are the same duration"
elif df.shape[1] == 1 or df.shape[1] > 3:
raise ValueError("Can only handle files with 2 or 3 columns!")
# Try to infer the header
if header is None:
possibleHeaders = ["Stim", "Onset", "Duration"]
if isinstance(df.iloc[0, 0], str):
df.columns = possibleHeaders[: df.shape[1]]
elif isinstance(df.iloc[0, df.shape[1] - 1], str):
df.columns = possibleHeaders[1:] + [possibleHeaders[0]]
raise ValueError(
"Can't figure out onset file organization. Make sure file has no more than 3 columns specified as 'Stim,Onset,Duration' or 'Onset,Duration,Stim'"
# Compute an offset in seconds if a Duration is provided
if df.shape[1] == 3:
df["Offset"] = df["Onset"] + df["Duration"]
# Onset always starts at the closest TR rounded down, e.g.
# with TR = 2, and onset = 10.1 or 11.7 will both have onset of TR 5 as it spans the window 10-12s
df["Onset"] = df["Onset"].apply(lambda x: int(np.floor(x / TR)))
# Offset includes the subsequent if Offset falls within window covered by that TR
# but not if it falls exactly on the subsequent TR, e.g. if TR = 2, and offset = 10.16, then TR 5 will be included but if offset = 10.00, TR 5 will not be included, as it covers the window 10-12s
if "Offset" in df.columns:
def conditional_round(x, TR):
"""Conditional rounding to the next TR if offset falls within window, otherwise not"""
dur_in_TRs = x / TR
dur_in_TRs_rounded_down = np.floor(dur_in_TRs)
# If in the future we wanted to enable the ability to include a TR based on a % of that TR we can change the next line to compare to some value, e.g. at least 0.5s into that TR: dur_in_TRs - dur_in_TRs_rounded_down > 0.5
if dur_in_TRs > dur_in_TRs_rounded_down:
return dur_in_TRs_rounded_down
return dur_in_TRs_rounded_down - 1
# Apply function
df["Offset"] = df["Offset"].apply(conditional_round, args=(TR,))
# Build dummy codes
X = Design_Matrix(
np.zeros([run_length, df["Stim"].nunique()]),
for i, row in df.iterrows():
if "Offset" in df.columns:
X.loc[row["Onset"] : row["Offset"], row["Stim"]] = 1
X.loc[row["Onset"], row["Stim"]] = 1
# DISABLED cause this isn't quite accurate for stimuli of different durations
# Run a check
# if "Offset" in df.columns:
# onsets = X.sum().values
# stim_counts = data.Stim.value_counts(sort=False)[X.columns]
# durations = data.groupby("Stim").Duration.mean().values
# for i, (o, c, d) in enumerate(zip(onsets, stim_counts, durations)):
# if c * (d / TR) <= o <= c * ((d / TR) + 1):
# pass
# else:
# warnings.warn(
# f"Computed onsets for {data.Stim.unique()[i]} are inconsistent ({o}) with expected values ({c * (d / TR)} to {c * ((d / TR) + 1)}). Please manually verify the outputted Design_Matrix!"
# )
if sort:
X = X.reindex(sorted(X.columns), axis=1)
if len(out) > 1:
if add_poly is not None:
out = [e.add_poly(add_poly) for e in out]
out_dm = out[0].append(
out_dm = out[0]
if add_poly is not None:
out_dm = out_dm.add_poly(add_poly)
if fill_na is not None:
out_dm = out_dm.fill_na(fill_na)
return out_dm