NeuroLearn Mask Classes
Classes to represent masks
__all__ = ["create_sphere", "expand_mask", "collapse_mask", "roi_to_brain"]
__author__ = ["Luke Chang", "Sam Greydanus"]
__license__ = "MIT"
import os
import nibabel as nib
from nltools.prefs import MNI_Template, resolve_mni_path
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings
from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks
[docs]def create_sphere(coordinates, radius=5, mask=None):
"""Generate a set of spheres in the brain mask space
radius: vector of radius. Will create multiple spheres if
len(radius) > 1
centers: a vector of sphere centers of the form [px, py, pz] or
[[px1, py1, pz1], ..., [pxn, pyn, pzn]]
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if mask is not None:
if not isinstance(mask, nib.Nifti1Image):
if isinstance(mask, str):
if os.path.isfile(mask):
mask = nib.load(mask)
raise ValueError(
"mask is not a nibabel instance or a valid " "file name"
mask = nib.load(resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["mask"])
def sphere(r, p, mask):
"""create a sphere of given radius at some point p in the brain mask
r: radius of the sphere
p: point (in coordinates of the brain mask) of the center of the
dims = mask.shape
m = [dims[0] / 2, dims[1] / 2, dims[2] / 2]
x, y, z = np.ogrid[
-m[0] : dims[0] - m[0], -m[1] : dims[1] - m[1], -m[2] : dims[2] - m[2]
mask_r = x * x + y * y + z * z <= r * r
activation = np.zeros(dims)
activation[mask_r] = 1
translation_affine = np.array(
[1, 0, 0, p[0] - m[0]],
[0, 1, 0, p[1] - m[1]],
[0, 0, 1, p[2] - m[2]],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
return nib.Nifti1Image(activation, affine=translation_affine)
if any(isinstance(i, list) for i in coordinates):
if isinstance(radius, list):
if len(radius) != len(coordinates):
raise ValueError(
"Make sure length of radius list matches"
"length of coordinate list."
elif isinstance(radius, int):
radius = [radius] * len(coordinates)
out = Brain_Data(
nib.Nifti1Image(np.zeros_like(mask.get_fdata()), affine=mask.affine),
for r, c in zip(radius, coordinates):
out = out + Brain_Data(sphere(r, c, mask), mask=mask)
out = Brain_Data(sphere(radius, coordinates, mask), mask=mask)
out = out.to_nifti()
out.get_fdata()[out.get_fdata() > 0.5] = 1
out.get_fdata()[out.get_fdata() < 0.5] = 0
return out
[docs]def expand_mask(mask, custom_mask=None):
"""expand a mask with multiple integers into separate binary masks
mask: nibabel or Brain_Data instance
custom_mask: nibabel instance or string to file path; optional
out: Brain_Data instance of multiple binary masks
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if isinstance(mask, nib.Nifti1Image):
mask = Brain_Data(mask, mask=custom_mask)
if not isinstance(mask, Brain_Data):
raise ValueError("Make sure mask is a nibabel or Brain_Data instance.")
mask.data = np.round(mask.data).astype(int)
tmp = []
for i in np.nonzero(np.unique(mask.data))[0]:
tmp.append((mask.data == i) * 1)
out = mask.empty()
out.data = np.array(tmp)
return out
[docs]def collapse_mask(mask, auto_label=True, custom_mask=None):
"""collapse separate masks into one mask with multiple integers
overlapping areas are ignored
mask: nibabel or Brain_Data instance
custom_mask: nibabel instance or string to file path; optional
out: Brain_Data instance of a mask with different integers indicating
different masks
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if not isinstance(mask, Brain_Data):
if isinstance(mask, nib.Nifti1Image):
mask = Brain_Data(mask, mask=custom_mask)
raise ValueError("Make sure mask is a nibabel or Brain_Data " "instance.")
if len(mask.shape()) > 1:
if len(mask) > 1:
out = mask.empty()
# Create list of masks and find any overlaps
m_list = []
for x in range(len(mask)):
intersect = intersect_masks(m_list, threshold=1, connected=False)
intersect = Brain_Data(
nib.Nifti1Image(np.abs(intersect.get_fdata() - 1), intersect.affine),
merge = []
if auto_label:
# Combine all masks into sequential order
# ignoring any areas of overlap
for i in range(len(m_list)):
Brain_Data(m_list[i], mask=custom_mask).data, intersect.data
* (i + 1)
out.data = np.sum(np.array(merge).T, 1).astype(int)
# Collapse masks using value as label
for i in range(len(m_list)):
Brain_Data(m_list[i], mask=custom_mask).data, intersect.data
out.data = np.sum(np.array(merge).T, 1)
return out
warnings.warn("Doesn't need to be collapased")
[docs]def roi_to_brain(data, mask_x):
"""This function will create convert an expanded binary mask of ROIs
(see expand_mask) based on a vector of of values. The dataframe of values
must correspond to ROI numbers.
This is useful for populating a parcellation scheme by a vector of Values
data: Pandas series, dataframe, list, np.array of ROI by observation
mask_x: an expanded binary mask
out: (Brain_Data) Brain_Data instance where each ROI is now populated
with a value
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if not isinstance(data, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
if isinstance(data, list):
data = pd.Series(data)
elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
if len(data.shape) == 1:
data = pd.Series(data)
elif len(data.shape) == 2:
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
if data.shape[0] != len(mask_x):
if data.shape[1] == len(mask_x):
data = data.T
raise ValueError(
"Data must have the same number of rows as rois in mask"
raise NotImplementedError
raise ValueError("Data must be a pandas series or data frame.")
if len(mask_x) != data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Data must have the same number of rows as mask has ROIs.")
if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
out = mask_x[0].copy()
out.data = np.zeros(out.data.shape)
for roi in range(len(mask_x)):
out.data[np.where(mask_x.data[roi, :])] = data[roi]
return out
out = mask_x.copy()
out.data = np.ones((data.shape[1], out.data.shape[1]))
for roi in range(len(mask_x)):
roi_data = np.reshape(data.iloc[roi, :].values, (-1, 1))
out.data[:, mask_x[roi].data == 1] = np.repeat(
roi_data.T, np.sum(mask_x[roi].data == 1), axis=0
return out