Source code for nltools.plotting

NeuroLearn Plotting Tools

Numerous functions to plot data


__all__ = [
__author__ = ["Luke Chang"]
__license__ = "MIT"

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, fftfreq
from nltools.stats import two_sample_permutation, one_sample_permutation
from nilearn.plotting import plot_glass_brain, plot_stat_map, view_img, view_img_on_surf
from nltools.prefs import MNI_Template, resolve_mni_path
from nltools.utils import attempt_to_import
import warnings
import sklearn
import os

# Optional dependencies
ipywidgets = attempt_to_import(
    fromlist=["interact", "fixed", "widgets", "BoundedFloatText", "BoundedIntText"],

[docs]def plot_interactive_brain( brain, threshold=1e-6, surface=False, percentile_threshold=False, anatomical=None, **kwargs, ): """ This function leverages nilearn's new javascript based brain viewer functions to create interactive plotting functionality. Args: brain (nltools.Brain_Data): a Brain_Data instance of 1d or 2d shape (i.e. 3d or 4d volume) threshold (float/str): threshold to initialize the visualization, maybe be a percentile string; default 0 surface (bool): whether to create a surface-based plot; default False percentile_threshold (bool): whether to interpret threshold values as percentiles kwargs: optional arguments to nilearn.view_img or nilearn.view_img_on_surf Returns: interactive brain viewer widget """ if ipywidgets is None: raise ImportError( "ipywidgets>=5.2.2 is required for interactive plotting. Please install this package manually or install nltools with optional arguments: pip install 'nltools[interactive_plots]'" ) if isinstance(threshold, str): if threshold[-1] != "%": raise ValueError("Starting threshold provided as string must end in '%'") percentile_threshold = True warnings.warn( "Percentile thresholding ignores brain mask. Results are likely more liberal than you expect (e.g. with non-interactive plotting)!" ) threshold = int(threshold[:-1]) if len(brain.shape()) == 2: time_slider = True max_idx = brain.shape()[0] - 1 elif len(brain.shape()) == 1: time_slider = False else: raise ValueError("Brain_Data object is not 1d or 2d") thresh_box = ipywidgets.widgets.FloatText(value=threshold, description="Threshold") if time_slider: idx = ipywidgets.widgets.IntSlider( min=0, max=max_idx, step=1, value=0, orientation="horizontal", continuous_update=False, description="Volume", readout_format="d", ) else: idx = ipywidgets.widgets.HTML( value="Image is 3D", description="Volume", placeholder="" ) ipywidgets.interact( _viewer, brain=ipywidgets.fixed(brain), thresh=thresh_box, idx=idx, percentile_threshold=percentile_threshold, surface=surface, anatomical=ipywidgets.fixed(anatomical), **kwargs, )
def _viewer(brain, thresh, idx, percentile_threshold, surface, anatomical, **kwargs): if thresh == 0: thresh = 1e-6 else: if percentile_threshold: thresh = str(thresh) + "%" if isinstance(idx, int): b = brain[idx].to_nifti() else: b = brain.to_nifti() if anatomical: bg_img = anatomical else: bg_img = "MNI152" cut_coords = kwargs.get("cut_coords", [0, 0, 0]) if surface: return view_img_on_surf(b, threshold=thresh, **kwargs) else: return view_img( b, bg_img=bg_img, threshold=thresh, cut_coords=cut_coords, **kwargs )
[docs]def plot_t_brain( objIn, how="full", thr="unc", alpha=None, nperm=None, cut_coords=[], **kwargs ): """ Takes a brain data object and computes a 1 sample t-test across it's first axis. If a list is provided will compute difference between brain data objects in list (i.e. paired samples t-test). Args: objIn (list/Brain_Data): if list will compute difference map first how (list): whether to plot a glass brain 'glass', 3 view-multi-slice mni 'mni', or both 'full' thr (str): what method to use for multiple comparisons correction unc, fdr, or tfce alpha (float): p-value threshold nperm (int): number of permutations for tcfe; default 1000 cut_coords (list): x,y,z coords to plot brain slice kwargs: optionals args to nilearn plot functions (e.g. vmax) """ if thr not in ["unc", "fdr", "tfce"]: raise ValueError("Acceptable threshold methods are 'unc','fdr','tfce'") views = ["x", "y", "z"] if len(cut_coords) == 0: cut_coords = [ range(-40, 50, 10), [-88, -72, -58, -38, -26, 8, 20, 34, 46], [-34, -22, -10, 0, 16, 34, 46, 56, 66], ] else: if len(cut_coords) != 3: raise ValueError( "cut_coords must be a list of coordinates like [[xs],[ys],[zs]]" ) cmap = "RdBu_r" if isinstance(objIn, list): if len(objIn) == 2: obj = objIn[0] - objIn[1] else: raise ValueError("Contrasts should contain only 2 list items!") thrDict = {} if thr == "tfce": thrDict["permutation"] = thr if nperm is None: nperm = 1000 thrDict["n_permutations"] = nperm print("1-sample t-test corrected using: TFCE w/ %s permutations" % nperm) else: if thr == "unc": if alpha is None: alpha = 0.001 thrDict[thr] = alpha print("1-sample t-test uncorrected at p < %.3f " % alpha) elif thr == "fdr": if alpha is None: alpha = 0.05 thrDict[thr] = alpha print("1-sample t-test corrected at q < %.3f " % alpha) else: thrDict = None print("1-sample test unthresholded") out = objIn.ttest(threshold_dict=thrDict) if thrDict is not None: obj = out["thr_t"] else: obj = out["t"] if how == "full": plot_glass_brain( obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs, ) for v, c in zip(views, cut_coords): plot_stat_map( obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs, ) elif how == "glass": plot_glass_brain( obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs, ) elif how == "mni": for v, c in zip(views, cut_coords): plot_stat_map( obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs, ) del obj del out return
[docs]def plot_brain(objIn, how="full", thr_upper=None, thr_lower=None, save=False, **kwargs): """ More complete brain plotting of a Brain_Data instance Args: obj (Brain_Data): object to plot how (str): whether to plot a glass brain 'glass', 3 view-multi-slice mni 'mni', or both 'full' thr_upper (str/float): thresholding of image. Can be string for percentage, or float for data units (see Brain_Data.threshold() thr_lower (str/float): thresholding of image. Can be string for percentage, or float for data units (see Brain_Data.threshold() save (str): if a string file name or path is provided plots will be saved into this directory appended with the orientation they belong to kwargs: optionals args to nilearn plot functions (e.g. vmax) """ if thr_upper or thr_lower: obj = objIn.threshold(upper=thr_upper, lower=thr_lower) else: obj = objIn.copy() views = ["x", "y", "z"] coords = [ range(-50, 51, 8), range(-80, 50, 10), range(-40, 71, 9), ] # [-88,-72,-58,-38,-26,8,20,34,46] cmap = "RdBu_r" if thr_upper is None and thr_lower is None: print("Plotting unthresholded image") else: if isinstance(thr_upper, str): print("Plotting top %s of voxels" % thr_upper) elif isinstance(thr_upper, (float, int)): print("Plotting voxels with stat value >= %s" % thr_upper) if isinstance(thr_lower, str): print("Plotting lower %s of voxels" % thr_lower) elif isinstance(thr_lower, (float, int)): print("Plotting voxels with stat value <= %s" % thr_lower) if save: path, filename = os.path.split(save) filename, extension = filename.split(".") glass_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_glass." + extension) x_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_x." + extension) y_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_y." + extension) z_save = os.path.join(path, filename + "_z." + extension) else: glass_save, x_save, y_save, z_save = None, None, None, None saves = [x_save, y_save, z_save] if how == "full": plot_glass_brain( obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs, ) if save: plt.savefig(glass_save, bbox_inches="tight") for v, c, savefile in zip(views, coords, saves): plot_stat_map( obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs, ) if save: plt.savefig(savefile, bbox_inches="tight") elif how == "glass": plot_glass_brain( obj.to_nifti(), display_mode="lzry", colorbar=True, cmap=cmap, plot_abs=False, **kwargs, ) if save: plt.savefig(glass_save, bbox_inches="tight") elif how == "mni": for v, c, savefile in zip(views, coords, saves): plot_stat_map( obj.to_nifti(), cut_coords=c, display_mode=v, cmap=cmap, bg_img=resolve_mni_path(MNI_Template)["brain"], **kwargs, ) if save: plt.savefig(savefile, bbox_inches="tight") del obj # save memory return
[docs]def dist_from_hyperplane_plot(stats_output): """Plot SVM Classification Distance from Hyperplane Args: stats_output: a pandas file with prediction output Returns: fig: Will return a seaborn plot of distance from hyperplane """ if "dist_from_hyperplane_xval" in stats_output.columns: sns.factorplot( "subject_id", "dist_from_hyperplane_xval", hue="Y", data=stats_output, kind="point", ) else: sns.factorplot( "subject_id", "dist_from_hyperplane_all", hue="Y", data=stats_output, kind="point", ) plt.xlabel("Subject", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Distance from Hyperplane", fontsize=16) plt.title("Classification", fontsize=18) return
[docs]def scatterplot(stats_output): """Plot Prediction Scatterplot Args: stats_output: a pandas file with prediction output Returns: fig: Will return a seaborn scatterplot """ if "yfit_xval" in stats_output.columns: sns.lmplot(x="Y", y="yfit_xval", data=stats_output) else: sns.lmplot(x="Y", y="yfit_all", data=stats_output) plt.xlabel("Y", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Predicted Value", fontsize=16) plt.title("Prediction", fontsize=18) return
[docs]def probability_plot(stats_output): """Plot Classification Probability Args: stats_output: a pandas file with prediction output Returns: fig: Will return a seaborn scatterplot """ if "Probability_xval" in stats_output.columns: sns.lmplot("Y", "Probability_xval", data=stats_output, logistic=True) else: sns.lmplot("Y", "Probability_all", data=stats_output, logistic=True) plt.xlabel("Y", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Predicted Probability", fontsize=16) plt.title("Prediction", fontsize=18) return
# # and plot the result # plt.figure(1, figsize=(4, 3)) # plt.clf() # plt.scatter(X.ravel(), y, color='black', zorder=20) # X_test = np.linspace(-5, 10, 300) # def model(x): # return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) # loss = model(X_test * clf.coef_ + clf.intercept_).ravel() # plt.plot(X_test, loss, color='blue', linewidth=3)
[docs]def roc_plot(fpr, tpr): """Plot 1-Specificity by Sensitivity Args: fpr: false positive rate from Roc.calculate tpr: true positive rate from Roc.calculate Returns: fig: Will return a matplotlib ROC plot """ plt.figure() plt.plot(fpr, tpr, color="red", linewidth=3) # fig = sns.tsplot(tpr,fpr,color='red',linewidth=3) plt.xlabel("(1 - Specificity)", fontsize=16) plt.ylabel("Sensitivity", fontsize=16) plt.title("ROC Plot", fontsize=18) return
[docs]def plot_stacked_adjacency(adjacency1, adjacency2, normalize=True, **kwargs): """Create stacked adjacency to illustrate similarity. Args: matrix1: Adjacency instance 1 matrix2: Adjacency instance 2 normalize: (boolean) Normalize matrices. Returns: matplotlib figure """ from import Adjacency if not isinstance(adjacency1, Adjacency) or not isinstance(adjacency2, Adjacency): raise ValueError("This function requires Adjacency() instances as input.") upper = np.triu(adjacency2.squareform(), k=1) lower = np.tril(adjacency1.squareform(), k=-1) if normalize: upper = np.triu((adjacency1 - adjacency1.mean()).squareform(), k=1) lower = np.tril((adjacency2 - adjacency2.mean()).squareform(), k=-1) upper = upper / np.max(upper) lower = lower / np.max(lower) dist = upper + lower return sns.heatmap( dist, xticklabels=False, yticklabels=False, square=True, **kwargs )
[docs]def plot_mean_label_distance( distance, labels, ax=None, permutation_test=False, n_permute=5000, fontsize=18, **kwargs, ): """Create a violin plot indicating within and between label distance. Args: distance: pandas dataframe of distance labels: labels indicating columns and rows to group ax: matplotlib axis to plot on permutation_test: (bool) indicates whether to run permuatation test or not n_permute: (int) number of permutations to run fontsize: (int) fontsize for plot labels Returns: f: heatmap stats: (optional if permutation_test=True) permutation results """ if not isinstance(distance, pd.DataFrame): raise ValueError("distance must be a pandas dataframe") if distance.shape[0] != distance.shape[1]: raise ValueError("distance must be square.") if len(labels) != distance.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Labels must be same length as distance matrix") out = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Distance", "Group", "Type"], index=None) for i in labels.unique(): tmp_w = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_w["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1) ] tmp_w["Type"] = "Within" tmp_w["Group"] = i tmp_b = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) tmp_b["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels != i].values.flatten() tmp_b["Type"] = "Between" tmp_b["Group"] = i out = out.append(tmp_w).append(tmp_b) f = sns.violinplot( x="Group", y="Distance", hue="Type", data=out, split=True, inner="quartile", palette={"Within": "lightskyblue", "Between": "red"}, ax=ax, **kwargs, ) f.set_ylabel("Average Distance", fontsize=fontsize) f.set_title("Average Group Distance", fontsize=fontsize) if permutation_test: stats = dict() for i in labels.unique(): # Between group test tmp1 = out.loc[(out["Group"] == i) & (out["Type"] == "Within"), "Distance"] tmp2 = out.loc[(out["Group"] == i) & (out["Type"] == "Between"), "Distance"] stats[str(i)] = two_sample_permutation(tmp1, tmp2, n_permute=n_permute) return (f, stats) else: return f
[docs]def plot_between_label_distance( distance, labels, ax=None, permutation_test=True, n_permute=5000, fontsize=18, **kwargs, ): """Create a heatmap indicating average between label distance Args: distance: (pandas dataframe) brain_distance matrix labels: (pandas dataframe) group labels ax: axis to plot (default=None) permutation_test: (boolean) n_permute: (int) number of samples for permuation test fontsize: (int) size of font for plot Returns: f: heatmap out: pandas dataframe of pairwise distance between conditions within_dist_out: average pairwise distance matrix mn_dist_out: (optional if permutation_test=True) average difference in distance between conditions p_dist_out: (optional if permutation_test=True) p-value for difference in distance between conditions """ labels = np.unique(np.array(labels)) out = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Distance", "Group", "Comparison"], index=None) for i in labels: for j in labels: tmp_b = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns, index=None) if ( distance.loc[labels == i, labels == j].shape[0] == distance.loc[labels == i, labels == j].shape[1] ): tmp_b["Distance"] = distance.loc[labels == i, labels == i].values[ np.triu_indices(sum(labels == i), k=1) ] else: tmp_b["Distance"] = distance.loc[ labels == i, labels == j ].values.flatten() tmp_b["Comparison"] = j tmp_b["Group"] = i out = out.append(tmp_b) within_dist_out = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((len(out["Group"].unique()), len(out["Group"].unique()))), columns=out["Group"].unique(), index=out["Group"].unique(), ) for i in out["Group"].unique(): for j in out["Comparison"].unique(): within_dist_out.loc[i, j] = out.loc[ (out["Group"] == i) & (out["Comparison"] == j) ]["Distance"].mean() if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1) else: plt.figure() if permutation_test: mn_dist_out = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((len(out["Group"].unique()), len(out["Group"].unique()))), columns=out["Group"].unique(), index=out["Group"].unique(), ) p_dist_out = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((len(out["Group"].unique()), len(out["Group"].unique()))), columns=out["Group"].unique(), index=out["Group"].unique(), ) for i in out["Group"].unique(): for j in out["Comparison"].unique(): tmp1 = out.loc[ (out["Group"] == i) & (out["Comparison"] == i), "Distance" ] tmp2 = out.loc[ (out["Group"] == i) & (out["Comparison"] == j), "Distance" ] s = two_sample_permutation(tmp1, tmp2, n_permute=n_permute) mn_dist_out.loc[i, j] = s["mean"] p_dist_out.loc[i, j] = s["p"] sns.heatmap(mn_dist_out, ax=ax, square=True, **kwargs) sns.heatmap( mn_dist_out, mask=p_dist_out > 0.05, square=True, linewidth=2, annot=True, ax=ax, cbar=False, ) return (out, within_dist_out, mn_dist_out, p_dist_out) else: sns.heatmap(within_dist_out, ax=ax, square=True, **kwargs) return (out, within_dist_out)
[docs]def plot_silhouette( distance, labels, ax=None, permutation_test=True, n_permute=5000, **kwargs ): """Create a silhouette plot indicating between relative to within label distance Args: distance: (pandas dataframe) brain_distance matrix labels: (pandas dataframe) group labels ax: axis to plot (default=None) permutation_test: (boolean) n_permute: (int) number of samples for permuation test Optional keyword args: figsize: (list) dimensions of silhouette plot colors: (list) color triplets for silhouettes. Length must equal number of unique labels Returns: # f: heatmap # out: pandas dataframe of pairwise distance between conditions # within_dist_out: average pairwise distance matrix # mn_dist_out: (optional if permutation_test=True) average difference in distance between conditions # p_dist_out: (optional if permutation_test=True) p-value for difference in distance between conditions """ # Define label set labelSet = np.unique(np.array(labels)) n_clusters = len(labelSet) # Set defaults for plot design if "colors" not in kwargs.keys(): colors = sns.color_palette("hls", n_clusters) if "figsize" not in kwargs.keys(): figsize = (6, 4) # Compute silhouette scores out = pd.DataFrame(columns=("Label", "MeanWit", "MeanBet", "Sil")) for index in range(len(labels)): label = labels.iloc[index] sameIndices = [ i for i, labelcur in enumerate(labels) if (labelcur == label) & (i != index) ] within = distance.iloc[index, sameIndices].values.flatten() otherIndices = [i for i, labelcur in enumerate(labels) if (labelcur != label)] between = distance.iloc[index, otherIndices].values.flatten() silhouetteScore = (np.mean(between) - np.mean(within)) / max( np.mean(between), np.mean(within) ) out_tmp = pd.DataFrame(columns=out.columns)[index] = index out_tmp["Label"] = label out_tmp["MeanWit"] = np.mean(within) out_tmp["MeanBet"] = np.mean(between) out_tmp["Sil"] = silhouetteScore out = out.append(out_tmp) sample_silhouette_values = out["Sil"] # Plot with sns.axes_style("white"): if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize) else: plt.plot(figsize=figsize) x_lower = 10 labelX = [] for labelInd in range(n_clusters): label = labelSet[labelInd] ith_cluster_silhouette_values = sample_silhouette_values[labels == label] ith_cluster_silhouette_values.sort_values(inplace=True) size_cluster_i = ith_cluster_silhouette_values.shape[0] x_upper = x_lower + size_cluster_i color = colors[labelInd] with sns.axes_style("white"): plt.fill_between( np.arange(x_lower, x_upper), 0, ith_cluster_silhouette_values, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, ) labelX = np.hstack((labelX, np.mean([x_lower, x_upper]))) x_lower = x_upper + 3 # Format plot ax.set_xticks(labelX) ax.set_xticklabels(labelSet) ax.set_title("Silhouettes", fontsize=18) ax.set_xlim([5, 10 + len(labels) + n_clusters * 3]) # Permutation test on mean silhouette score per label if permutation_test: outAll = pd.DataFrame(columns=["label", "mean", "p"]) for labelInd in range(n_clusters): temp = pd.DataFrame(columns=outAll.columns) label = labelSet[labelInd] data = sample_silhouette_values[labels == label] temp.loc[labelInd, "label"] = label temp.loc[labelInd, "mean"] = np.mean(data) if np.mean(data) > 0: # Only test positive mean silhouette scores statsout = one_sample_permutation(data, n_permute=n_permute) temp["p"] = statsout["p"] else: temp["p"] = 999 outAll = outAll.append(temp) return outAll else: return
def component_viewer(output, tr=2.0): """This a function to interactively view the results of a decomposition analysis Args: output: (dict) output dictionary from running Brain_data.decompose() tr: (float) repetition time of data """ if ipywidgets is None: raise ImportError( "ipywidgets is required for interactive plotting. Please install this package manually or install nltools with optional arguments: pip install 'nltools[interactive_plots]'" ) def component_inspector(component, threshold): """This a function to be used with ipywidgets to interactively view a decomposition analysis Make sure you have tr and output assigned to variables. Example: from ipywidgets import BoundedFloatText, BoundedIntText from ipywidgets import interact tr = 2.4 output = data_filtered_smoothed.decompose(algorithm='ica', n_components=30, axis='images', whiten=True) interact(component_inspector, component=BoundedIntText(description='Component', value=0, min=0, max=len(output['components'])-1), threshold=BoundedFloatText(description='Threshold', value=2.0, min=0, max=4, step=.1)) """ _, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(12, 8)) thresholded = ( output["components"][component] - output["components"][component].mean() ) * (1 / output["components"][component].std())[np.abs( <= threshold] = 0 plot_stat_map( thresholded.to_nifti(), cut_coords=range(-40, 70, 10), display_mode="z", black_bg=True, colorbar=True, annotate=False, draw_cross=False, axes=ax[0], ) if isinstance(output["decomposition_object"], (sklearn.decomposition.PCA)): var_exp = output["decomposition_object"].explained_variance_ratio_[ component ] ax[0].set_title( f"Component: {component}/{len(output['components'])}, Variance Explained: {var_exp:2.2}", fontsize=18, ) else: ax[0].set_title( f"Component: {component}/{len(output['components'])}", fontsize=18 ) ax[1].plot(output["weights"][:, component], linewidth=2, color="red") ax[1].set_ylabel("Intensity (AU)", fontsize=18) ax[1].set_title(f"Timecourse (TR={tr})", fontsize=16) y = fft(output["weights"][:, component]) f = fftfreq(len(y), d=tr) ax[2].plot(f[f > 0], np.abs(y)[f > 0] ** 2) ax[2].set_ylabel("Power", fontsize=18) ax[2].set_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)", fontsize=16) ipywidgets.interact( component_inspector, component=ipywidgets.BoundedIntText( description="Component", value=0, min=0, max=len(output["components"]) - 1 ), threshold=ipywidgets.BoundedFloatText( description="Threshold", value=2.0, min=0, max=4, step=0.1 ), )