NeuroLearn Statistics Tools
Tools to help with statistical analyses.
__all__ = [
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr, kendalltau, norm
from scipy.stats import t as t_dist
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist
from scipy.linalg import orthogonal_procrustes
from scipy.spatial import procrustes as procrust
from scipy.signal import hilbert, butter, filtfilt
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from copy import deepcopy
import nibabel as nib
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import warnings
import itertools
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from .utils import attempt_to_import, check_square_numpy_matrix
from .external.srm import SRM, DetSRM
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
MAX_INT = np.iinfo(np.int32).max
# Optional dependencies
sm = attempt_to_import("statsmodels.tsa.arima.model", name="sm")
[docs]def pearson(x, y):
"""Correlates row vector x with each row vector in 2D array y.
From neurosynth.stats.py - author: Tal Yarkoni
data = np.vstack((x, y))
ms = data.mean(axis=1)[(slice(None, None, None), None)]
datam = data - ms
datass = np.sqrt(np.sum(datam * datam, axis=1))
# datass = np.sqrt(ss(datam, axis=1))
temp = np.dot(datam[1:], datam[0].T)
return temp / (datass[1:] * datass[0])
[docs]def zscore(df):
"""zscore every column in a pandas dataframe or series.
df: (pd.DataFrame) Pandas DataFrame instance
z_data: (pd.DataFrame) z-scored pandas DataFrame or series instance
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
return df.apply(lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std())
elif isinstance(df, pd.Series):
return (df - np.mean(df)) / np.std(df)
raise ValueError("Data is not a Pandas DataFrame or Series instance")
[docs]def fdr(p, q=0.05):
"""Determine FDR threshold given a p value array and desired false
discovery rate q. Written by Tal Yarkoni
p: (np.array) vector of p-values
q: (float) false discovery rate level
fdr_p: (float) p-value threshold based on independence or positive
if not isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Make sure vector of p-values is a numpy array")
if any(p < 0) or any(p > 1):
raise ValueError("array contains p-values that are outside the range 0-1")
if np.any(p > 1) or np.any(p < 0):
raise ValueError("Does not include valid p-values.")
s = np.sort(p)
nvox = p.shape[0]
null = np.array(range(1, nvox + 1), dtype="float") * q / nvox
below = np.where(s <= null)[0]
return s[max(below)] if len(below) else -1
[docs]def holm_bonf(p, alpha=0.05):
"""Compute corrected p-values based on the Holm-Bonferroni method, i.e. step-down procedure applying iteratively less correction to highest p-values. A bit more conservative than fdr, but much more powerful thanvanilla bonferroni.
p: (np.array) vector of p-values
alpha: (float) alpha level
bonf_p: (float) p-value threshold based on bonferroni
step-down procedure
if not isinstance(p, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("Make sure vector of p-values is a numpy array")
s = np.sort(p)
nvox = p.shape[0]
null = 0.05 / (nvox - np.arange(1, nvox + 1) + 1)
below = np.where(s <= null)[0]
return s[max(below)] if len(below) else -1
[docs]def threshold(stat, p, thr=0.05, return_mask=False):
"""Threshold test image by p-value from p image
stat: (Brain_Data) Brain_Data instance of arbitrary statistic metric
(e.g., beta, t, etc)
p: (Brain_Data) Brain_data instance of p-values
threshold: (float) p-value to threshold stat image
return_mask: (bool) optionall return the thresholding mask; default False
out: Thresholded Brain_Data instance
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if not isinstance(stat, Brain_Data):
raise ValueError("Make sure stat is a Brain_Data instance")
if not isinstance(p, Brain_Data):
raise ValueError("Make sure p is a Brain_Data instance")
# Create Mask
mask = deepcopy(p)
if thr > 0:
mask.data = (mask.data < thr).astype(int)
mask.data = np.zeros(len(mask.data), dtype=int)
# Apply Threshold Mask
out = deepcopy(stat)
if np.sum(mask.data) > 0:
out = out.apply_mask(mask)
out.data = out.data.squeeze()
out.data = np.zeros(len(mask.data), dtype=int)
if return_mask:
return out, mask
return out
[docs]def multi_threshold(t_map, p_map, thresh):
"""Threshold test image by multiple p-value from p image
stat: (Brain_Data) Brain_Data instance of arbitrary statistic metric
(e.g., beta, t, etc)
p: (Brain_Data) Brain_data instance of p-values
threshold: (list) list of p-values to threshold stat image
out: Thresholded Brain_Data instance
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if not isinstance(t_map, Brain_Data):
raise ValueError("Make sure stat is a Brain_Data instance")
if not isinstance(p_map, Brain_Data):
raise ValueError("Make sure p is a Brain_Data instance")
if not isinstance(thresh, list):
raise ValueError("Make sure thresh is a list of p-values")
affine = t_map.to_nifti().affine
pos_out = np.zeros(t_map.to_nifti().shape)
neg_out = deepcopy(pos_out)
for thr in thresh:
t = threshold(t_map, p_map, thr=thr)
t_pos = deepcopy(t)
t_pos.data = np.zeros(len(t_pos.data))
t_neg = deepcopy(t_pos)
t_pos.data[t.data > 0] = 1
t_neg.data[t.data < 0] = 1
pos_out = pos_out + t_pos.to_nifti().get_fdata()
neg_out = neg_out + t_neg.to_nifti().get_fdata()
pos_out = pos_out + neg_out * -1
return Brain_Data(nib.Nifti1Image(pos_out, affine))
[docs]def winsorize(data, cutoff=None, replace_with_cutoff=True):
"""Winsorize a Pandas DataFrame or Series with the largest/lowest value not considered outlier
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) data to winsorize
cutoff: (dict) a dictionary with keys {'std':[low,high]} or
replace_with_cutoff: (bool) If True, replace outliers with cutoff.
If False, replaces outliers with closest
existing values; (default: False)
out: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) winsorized data
return _transform_outliers(
data, cutoff, replace_with_cutoff=replace_with_cutoff, method="winsorize"
[docs]def trim(data, cutoff=None):
"""Trim a Pandas DataFrame or Series by replacing outlier values with NaNs
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) data to trim
cutoff: (dict) a dictionary with keys {'std':[low,high]} or
out: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) trimmed data
return _transform_outliers(data, cutoff, replace_with_cutoff=None, method="trim")
def _transform_outliers(data, cutoff, replace_with_cutoff, method):
"""This function is not exposed to user but is called by either trim
or winsorize.
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) data to transform
cutoff: (dict) a dictionary with keys {'std':[low,high]} or
replace_with_cutoff: (bool) If True, replace outliers with cutoff.
If False, replaces outliers with closest
existing values. (default: False)
method: 'winsorize' or 'trim'
out: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) transformed data
df = data.copy() # To not overwrite data make a copy
def _transform_outliers_sub(data, cutoff, replace_with_cutoff, method="trim"):
if not isinstance(data, pd.Series):
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that you are applying winsorize to a pandas dataframe or series."
if isinstance(cutoff, dict):
# calculate cutoff values
if "quantile" in cutoff:
q = data.quantile(cutoff["quantile"])
elif "std" in cutoff:
std = [
data.mean() - data.std() * cutoff["std"][0],
data.mean() + data.std() * cutoff["std"][1],
q = pd.Series(index=cutoff["std"], data=std)
# if replace_with_cutoff is false, replace with true existing values closest to cutoff
if method == "winsorize" and not replace_with_cutoff:
q.iloc[0] = data[data > q.iloc[0]].min()
q.iloc[1] = data[data < q.iloc[1]].max()
raise ValueError("cutoff must be a dictionary with quantile or std keys.")
if method == "trim":
data[data < q.iloc[0]] = np.nan
data[data > q.iloc[1]] = np.nan
elif method == "winsorize":
if isinstance(q, pd.Series) and len(q) == 2:
data[data < q.iloc[0]] = q.iloc[0]
data[data > q.iloc[1]] = q.iloc[1]
return data
# transform each column if a dataframe, if series just transform data
if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
for col in df.columns:
df.loc[:, col] = _transform_outliers_sub(
df.loc[:, col],
return df
elif isinstance(df, pd.Series):
return _transform_outliers_sub(
df, cutoff=cutoff, replace_with_cutoff=replace_with_cutoff, method=method
raise ValueError("Data must be a pandas DataFrame or Series")
[docs]def calc_bpm(beat_interval, sampling_freq):
"""Calculate instantaneous BPM from beat to beat interval
beat_interval: (int) number of samples in between each beat
(typically R-R Interval)
sampling_freq: (float) sampling frequency in Hz
bpm: (float) beats per minute for time interval
return 60 * sampling_freq * (1 / (beat_interval))
[docs]def downsample(
data, sampling_freq=None, target=None, target_type="samples", method="mean"
"""Downsample pandas to a new target frequency or number of samples
using averaging.
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) data to downsample
sampling_freq: (float) Sampling frequency of data in hertz
target: (float) downsampling target
target_type: type of target can be [samples,seconds,hz]
method: (str) type of downsample method ['mean','median'],
default: mean
out: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) downsmapled data
if not isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)):
raise ValueError("Data must by a pandas DataFrame or Series instance.")
if not (method == "median") | (method == "mean"):
raise ValueError("Metric must be either 'mean' or 'median' ")
if target_type == "samples":
n_samples = target
elif target_type == "seconds":
n_samples = target * sampling_freq
elif target_type == "hz":
n_samples = sampling_freq / target
raise ValueError('Make sure target_type is "samples", "seconds", ' ' or "hz".')
idx = np.sort(np.repeat(np.arange(1, data.shape[0] / n_samples, 1), n_samples))
# if data.shape[0] % n_samples:
if data.shape[0] > len(idx):
idx = np.concatenate([idx, np.repeat(idx[-1] + 1, data.shape[0] - len(idx))])
if method == "mean":
return data.groupby(idx).mean().reset_index(drop=True)
elif method == "median":
return data.groupby(idx).median().reset_index(drop=True)
[docs]def upsample(
data, sampling_freq=None, target=None, target_type="samples", method="linear"
"""Upsample pandas to a new target frequency or number of samples using interpolation.
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) data to upsample
(Note: will drop non-numeric columns from DataFrame)
sampling_freq: Sampling frequency of data in hertz
target: (float) upsampling target
target_type: (str) type of target can be [samples,seconds,hz]
method: (str) ['linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic']
where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic'
refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first,
second or third order (default: linear)
upsampled pandas object
methods = ["linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic"]
if method not in methods:
raise ValueError(
"Method must be 'linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic'"
if target_type == "samples":
n_samples = target
elif target_type == "seconds":
n_samples = target * sampling_freq
elif target_type == "hz":
n_samples = float(sampling_freq) / float(target)
raise ValueError('Make sure target_type is "samples", "seconds", or "hz".')
orig_spacing = np.arange(0, data.shape[0], 1)
new_spacing = np.arange(0, data.shape[0] - 1, n_samples)
if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
interpolate = interp1d(orig_spacing, data, kind=method)
return interpolate(new_spacing)
elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
numeric_data = data._get_numeric_data()
if data.shape[1] != numeric_data.shape[1]:
"Dropping %s non-numeric columns"
% (data.shape[1] - numeric_data.shape[1]),
out = pd.DataFrame(columns=numeric_data.columns, index=None)
for i, x in numeric_data.items():
interpolate = interp1d(orig_spacing, x, kind=method)
out.loc[:, i] = interpolate(new_spacing)
return out
raise ValueError("Data must by a pandas DataFrame or Series instance.")
[docs]def fisher_r_to_z(r):
"""Use Fisher transformation to convert correlation to z score"""
# return .5*np.log((1 + r)/(1 - r))
return np.arctanh(r)
[docs]def fisher_z_to_r(z):
"""Use Fisher transformation to convert correlation to z score"""
return np.tanh(z)
[docs]def correlation(data1, data2, metric="pearson"):
"""This function calculates the correlation between data1 and data2
data1: (np.array) x
data2: (np.array) y
metric: (str) type of correlation ["spearman" or "pearson" or "kendall"]
r: (np.array) correlations
p: (float) p-value
if metric == "spearman":
func = spearmanr
elif metric == "pearson":
func = pearsonr
elif metric == "kendall":
func = kendalltau
raise ValueError('metric must be "spearman" or "pearson" or "kendall"')
return func(data1, data2)
def _permute_sign(data, random_state=None):
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
return np.mean(data * random_state.choice([1, -1], len(data)))
def _permute_group(data, random_state=None):
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
perm_label = random_state.permutation(data["Group"])
return np.mean(data.loc[perm_label == 1, "Values"]) - np.mean(
data.loc[perm_label == 0, "Values"]
def _permute_func(data1, data2, metric, how, include_diag=False, random_state=None):
"""Helper function for matrix_permutation.
Can take a functon, that would be repeated for calculation.
data1: (np.array) squareform matrix
data2: flattened np array (same size upper triangle of data1)
metric: similarity/distance function from scipy.stats (e.g., spearman, pearson, kendall etc)
random_state: random_state instance for permutation
r: r value of function
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
data_row_id = range(data1.shape[0])
permuted_ix = random_state.permutation(data_row_id)
new_fmri_dist = data1.iloc[permuted_ix, permuted_ix].values
if how == "upper":
new_fmri_dist = new_fmri_dist[np.triu_indices(new_fmri_dist.shape[0], k=1)]
elif how == "lower":
new_fmri_dist = new_fmri_dist[np.tril_indices(new_fmri_dist.shape[0], k=-1)]
elif how == "full":
if include_diag:
new_fmri_dist = new_fmri_dist.ravel()
new_fmri_dist = np.concatenate(
new_fmri_dist[np.triu_indices(new_fmri_dist.shape[0], k=1)],
new_fmri_dist[np.tril_indices(new_fmri_dist.shape[0], k=-1)],
return correlation(new_fmri_dist, data2, metric=metric)[0]
def _calc_pvalue(all_p, stat, tail):
"""Calculates p value based on distribution of correlations
This function is called by the permutation functions
all_p: list of correlation values from permutation
stat: actual value being tested, i.e., stats['correlation'] or stats['mean']
tail: (int) either 2 or 1 for two-tailed p-value or one-tailed
denom = float(len(all_p)) + 1
if tail == 1:
numer = np.sum(all_p >= stat) + 1 if stat >= 0 else np.sum(all_p <= stat) + 1
elif tail == 2:
numer = np.sum(np.abs(all_p) >= np.abs(stat)) + 1
raise ValueError("tail must be either 1 or 2")
return numer / denom
[docs]def one_sample_permutation(
data, n_permute=5000, tail=2, n_jobs=-1, return_perms=False, random_state=None
"""One sample permutation test using randomization.
data: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array) data to permute
n_permute: (int) number of permutations
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation.
-1 means all CPUs.
return_parms: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
random_state: (int, None, or np.random.RandomState) Initial random seed (default: None)
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['mean','p']
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_permute)
data = np.array(data)
stats = {"mean": np.nanmean(data)}
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(_permute_sign)(data, random_state=seeds[i]) for i in range(n_permute)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_p, stats["mean"], tail)
if return_perms:
stats["perm_dist"] = all_p
return stats
[docs]def two_sample_permutation(
"""Independent sample permutation test.
data1: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array) dataset 1 to permute
data2: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array) dataset 2 to permute
n_permute: (int) number of permutations
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation.
-1 means all CPUs.
return_parms: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['mean','p']
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_permute)
stats = {"mean": np.nanmean(data1) - np.nanmean(data2)}
data = pd.DataFrame(data={"Values": data1, "Group": np.ones(len(data1))})
data = pd.concat(
[data, pd.DataFrame(data={"Values": data2, "Group": np.zeros(len(data2))})]
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(_permute_group)(data, random_state=seeds[i]) for i in range(n_permute)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_p, stats["mean"], tail)
if return_perms:
stats["perm_dist"] = all_p
return stats
[docs]def correlation_permutation(
"""Compute correlation and calculate p-value using permutation methods.
'permute' method randomly shuffles one of the vectors. This method is recommended
for independent data. For timeseries data we recommend using 'circle_shift' or
'phase_randomize' methods.
data1: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array) dataset 1 to permute
data2: (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array) dataset 2 to permute
n_permute: (int) number of permutations
metric: (str) type of association metric ['spearman','pearson',
method: (str) type of permutation ['permute', 'circle_shift', 'phase_randomize']
random_state: (int, None, or np.random.RandomState) Initial random seed (default: None)
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation.
-1 means all CPUs.
return_parms: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p']
if len(data1) != len(data2):
raise ValueError("Make sure that data1 is the same length as data2")
if method not in ["permute", "circle_shift", "phase_randomize"]:
raise ValueError(
"Make sure that method is ['permute', 'circle_shift', 'phase_randomize']"
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
data1 = np.array(data1)
data2 = np.array(data2)
stats = {"correlation": correlation(data1, data2, metric=metric)[0]}
if method == "permute":
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(correlation)(random_state.permutation(data1), data2, metric=metric)
for _ in range(n_permute)
elif method == "circle_shift":
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
circle_shift(data1, random_state=random_state), data2, metric=metric
for _ in range(n_permute)
elif method == "phase_randomize":
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
phase_randomize(data1, random_state=random_state),
for _ in range(n_permute)
all_p = [x[0] for x in all_p]
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_p, stats["correlation"], tail)
if return_perms:
stats["perm_dist"] = all_p
return stats
[docs]def matrix_permutation(
"""Permute 2-dimensional matrix correlation (mantel test).
Chen, G. et al. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations,
part I: nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis
at the group level. Neuroimage, 142, 248-259.
data1: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) square matrix
data2: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) square matrix
n_permute: (int) number of permutations
metric: (str) type of association metric ['spearman','pearson',
how: (str) whether to use the 'upper' (default), 'lower', or 'full' matrix. The
default of 'upper' assumes both matrices are symmetric
include_diag (bool): only applies if `how='full'`. Whether to include the
diagonal elements in the comparison
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test
(default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation.
-1 means all CPUs.
return_parms: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p']
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
seeds = random_state.randint(MAX_INT, size=n_permute)
sq_data1 = check_square_numpy_matrix(data1)
sq_data2 = check_square_numpy_matrix(data2)
if how == "upper":
data1 = sq_data1[np.triu_indices(sq_data1.shape[0], k=1)]
data2 = sq_data2[np.triu_indices(sq_data2.shape[0], k=1)]
elif how == "lower":
data1 = sq_data1[np.tril_indices(sq_data1.shape[0], k=-1)]
data2 = sq_data2[np.tril_indices(sq_data2.shape[0], k=-1)]
elif how == "full":
if include_diag:
data1 = sq_data1.ravel()
data2 = sq_data2.ravel()
data1 = np.concatenate(
sq_data1[np.triu_indices(sq_data1.shape[0], k=1)],
sq_data1[np.tril_indices(sq_data1.shape[0], k=-1)],
data2 = np.concatenate(
sq_data2[np.triu_indices(sq_data2.shape[0], k=1)],
sq_data2[np.tril_indices(sq_data2.shape[0], k=-1)],
stats = {"correlation": correlation(data1, data2, metric=metric)[0]}
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
for i in range(n_permute)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_p, stats["correlation"], tail)
if return_perms:
stats["perm_dist"] = all_p
return stats
[docs]def make_cosine_basis(nsamples, sampling_freq, filter_length, unit_scale=True, drop=0):
"""Create a series of cosine basis functions for a discrete cosine
transform. Based off of implementation in spm_filter and spm_dctmtx
because scipy dct can only apply transforms but not return the basis
functions. Like SPM, does not add constant (i.e. intercept), but does
retain first basis (i.e. sigmoidal/linear drift)
nsamples (int): number of observations (e.g. TRs)
sampling_freq (float): sampling frequency in hertz (i.e. 1 / TR)
filter_length (int): length of filter in seconds
unit_scale (true): assure that the basis functions are on the normalized range [-1, 1]; default True
drop (int): index of which early/slow bases to drop if any; default is
to drop constant (i.e. intercept) like SPM. Unlike SPM, retains
first basis (i.e. linear/sigmoidal). Will cumulatively drop bases
up to and inclusive of index provided (e.g. 2, drops bases 1 and 2)
out (ndarray): nsamples x number of basis sets numpy array
# Figure out number of basis functions to create
order = int(np.fix(2 * (nsamples * sampling_freq) / filter_length + 1))
n = np.arange(nsamples)
# Initialize basis function matrix
C = np.zeros((len(n), order))
# Add constant
C[:, 0] = np.ones((1, len(n))) / np.sqrt(nsamples)
# Insert higher order cosine basis functions
for i in range(1, order):
C[:, i] = np.sqrt(2.0 / nsamples) * np.cos(
np.pi * (2 * n + 1) * i / (2 * nsamples)
# Drop intercept ala SPM
C = C[:, 1:]
if C.size == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Basis function creation failed! nsamples is too small for requested filter_length."
if unit_scale:
C *= 1.0 / C[0, 0]
C = C[:, drop:]
return C
def _robust_estimator(vals, X, robust_estimator="hc0", nlags=1):
Computes robust sandwich estimators for standard errors used in OLS computation. Types include:
'hc0': Huber (1980) sandwich estimator to return robust standard error estimates.
'hc3': MacKinnon and White (1985) HC3 sandwich estimator. Provides more robustness in smaller samples than HC0 Long & Ervin (2000)
'hac': Newey-West (1987) estimator for robustness to heteroscedasticity as well as serial auto-correlation at given lags.
Refs: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Heteroscedasticity-consistent_standard_errors
vals (np.ndarray): 1d array of residuals
X (np.ndarray): design matrix used in OLS, e.g. Brain_Data().X
robust_estimator (str): estimator type, 'hc0' (default), 'hc3', or 'hac'
nlags (int): number of lags, only used with 'hac' estimator, default is 1
stderr (np.ndarray): 1d array of standard errors with length == X.shape[1]
if robust_estimator not in ["hc0", "hc3", "hac"]:
raise ValueError("robust_estimator must be one of hc0, hc3 or hac")
# Make a sandwich!
# First we need bread
bread = np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(X.T, X))
# Then we need meat
if robust_estimator == "hc0":
V = np.diag(vals**2)
meat = np.dot(np.dot(X.T, V), X)
elif robust_estimator == "hc3":
V = np.diag(vals**2) / (1 - np.diag(np.dot(X, np.dot(bread, X.T)))) ** 2
meat = np.dot(np.dot(X.T, V), X)
elif robust_estimator == "hac":
weights = 1 - np.arange(nlags + 1.0) / (nlags + 1.0)
# First compute lag 0
V = np.diag(vals**2)
meat = weights[0] * np.dot(np.dot(X.T, V), X)
# Now loop over additional lags
for l in range(1, nlags + 1):
V = np.diag(vals[l:] * vals[:-l])
meat_1 = np.dot(np.dot(X[l:].T, V), X[:-l])
meat_2 = np.dot(np.dot(X[:-l].T, V), X[l:])
meat += weights[l] * (meat_1 + meat_2)
# Then we make a sandwich
vcv = np.dot(np.dot(bread, meat), bread)
return np.sqrt(np.diag(vcv))
[docs]def summarize_bootstrap(data, save_weights=False):
"""Calculate summary of bootstrap samples
sample: (Brain_Data) Brain_Data instance of samples
save_weights: (bool) save bootstrap weights
output: (dict) dictionary of Brain_Data summary images
# Calculate SE of bootstraps
wstd = data.std()
wmean = data.mean()
wz = deepcopy(wmean)
wz.data = wmean.data / wstd.data
wp = deepcopy(wmean)
wp.data = 2 * (1 - norm.cdf(np.abs(wz.data)))
# Create outputs
output = {"Z": wz, "p": wp, "mean": wmean}
if save_weights:
output["samples"] = data
return output
def _arma_func(X, Y, idx=None, **kwargs):
Fit an ARMA(p,q) model. If Y is a matrix and not a vector, expects an idx argument that refers to columns of Y. Used by regress().
method = kwargs.pop("method", "css-mle")
order = kwargs.pop("order", (1, 1))
maxiter = kwargs.pop("maxiter", 50)
disp = kwargs.pop("disp", -1)
start_ar_lags = kwargs.pop("start_ar_lags", order[0] + 1)
transparams = kwargs.pop("transparams", False)
trend = kwargs.pop("trend", "nc")
if len(Y.shape) == 2:
model = sm.tsa.arima_model.ARMA(endog=Y[:, idx], exog=X.values, order=order)
model = sm.tsa.arima_model.ARMA(endog=Y, exog=X.values, order=order)
res = model.fit(
res = model.fit(
start_params=np.repeat(1.0, X.shape[1] + 2),
return (
[docs]def regress(X, Y, mode="ols", stats="full", **kwargs):
"""This is a flexible function to run several types of regression models provided X and Y numpy arrays. Y can be a 1d numpy array or 2d numpy array. In the latter case, results will be output with shape 1 x Y.shape[1], in other words fitting a separate regression model to each column of Y.
Does NOT add an intercept automatically to the X matrix before fitting like some other software packages. This is left up to the user.
This function can compute regression in 3 ways:
1. Standard OLS
2. OLS with robust sandwich estimators for standard errors. 3 robust types of
estimators exist:
- 'hc0' - classic huber-white estimator robust to heteroscedasticity (default)
- 'hc3' - a variant on huber-white estimator slightly more conservative when sample sizes are small
- 'hac' - an estimator robust to both heteroscedasticity and auto-correlation;
auto-correlation lag can be controlled with the `nlags` keyword argument; default
is 1
3. ARMA (auto-regressive moving-average) model (experimental). This model is fit through statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMA, so more information about options can be found there. Any settings can be passed in as kwargs. By default fits a (1,1) model with starting lags of 2. This mode is **computationally intensive** and can take quite a while if Y has many columns. If Y is a 2d array joblib.Parallel is used for faster fitting by parallelizing fits across columns of Y. Parallelization can be controlled by passing in kwargs. Defaults to multi-threading using 10 separate threads, as threads don't require large arrays to be duplicated in memory. Defaults are also set to enable memory-mapping for very large arrays if backend='multiprocessing' to prevent crashes and hangs. Various levels of progress can be monitored using the 'disp' (statsmodels) and 'verbose' (joblib) keyword arguments with integer values > 0.
X (ndarray): design matrix; assumes intercept is included
Y (ndarray): dependent variable array; if 2d, a model is fit to each column of Y separately
mode (str): kind of model to fit; must be one of 'ols' (default), 'robust', or
stats (str): one of 'full', 'betas', 'tstats'. Useful to speed up calculation if
you know you only need some statistics and not others. Defaults to 'full'.
robust_estimator (str,optional): kind of robust estimator to use if mode = 'robust'; default 'hc0'
nlags (int,optional): auto-correlation lag correction if mode = 'robust' and robust_estimator = 'hac'; default 1
order (tuple,optional): auto-regressive and moving-average orders for mode = 'arma'; default (1,1)
kwargs (dict): additional keyword arguments to statsmodels.tsa.arima_model.ARMA and joblib.Parallel
b: coefficients
se: standard error of coefficients
t: t-statistics (coef/sterr)
p : p-values
df: degrees of freedom
res: residuals
Standard OLS
>>> results = regress(X,Y,mode='ols')
Robust OLS with heteroscedasticity (hc0) robust standard errors
>>> results = regress(X,Y,mode='robust')
Robust OLS with heteroscedasticty and auto-correlation (with lag 2) robust standard errors
>>> results = regress(X,Y,mode='robust',robust_estimator='hac',nlags=2)
Auto-regressive mode with auto-regressive and moving-average lags = 1
>>> results = regress(X,Y,mode='arma',order=(1,1))
Auto-regressive model with auto-regressive lag = 2, moving-average lag = 3, and multi-processing instead of multi-threading using 8 cores (this can use a lot of memory if input arrays are very large!).
>>> results = regress(X,Y,mode='arma',order=(2,3),backend='multiprocessing',n_jobs=8)
if not isinstance(mode, str):
raise ValueError("mode must be a string")
if not isinstance(stats, str):
raise ValueError("stats must be a string")
if mode not in ["ols", "robust", "arma"]:
raise ValueError("Mode must be one of 'ols','robust' or 'arma'")
if stats not in ["full", "betas", "tstats"]:
raise ValueError("stats must be one of 'full', 'betas', 'tstats'")
# Make sure Y is a 2-D array
if len(Y.shape) == 1:
Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
# Compute standard errors based on regression mode
if mode == "ols" or mode == "robust":
b = np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(X), Y)
# Return betas and stop other computations if that's all that's requested
if stats == "betas":
return b.squeeze()
res = Y - np.dot(X, b)
# Vanilla OLS
if mode == "ols":
sigma = np.std(res, axis=0, ddof=X.shape[1])
stderr = (
np.sqrt(np.diag(np.linalg.pinv(np.dot(X.T, X))))[:, np.newaxis]
* sigma[np.newaxis, :]
# OLS with robust sandwich estimator based standard-errors
elif mode == "robust":
robust_estimator = kwargs.pop("robust_estimator", "hc0")
nlags = kwargs.pop("nlags", 1)
axis_func = [_robust_estimator, 0, res, X, robust_estimator, nlags]
stderr = np.apply_along_axis(*axis_func)
# Then only compute t-stats at voxels where the standard error is at least .000001
t = np.zeros_like(b)
t[stderr > 1.0e-6] = b[stderr > 1.0e-6] / stderr[stderr > 1.0e-6]
# Return betas and ts and stop other computations if that's all that's requested
if stats == "tstats":
return b.squeeze(), t.squeeze()
df = np.array([X.shape[0] - X.shape[1]] * t.shape[1])
p = 2 * (1 - t_dist.cdf(np.abs(t), df))
# ARMA regression
elif mode == "arma":
if sm is None:
raise ImportError(
"statsmodels>=0.9.0 is required for ARMA regression. Please install this package manually or install nltools with optional arguments: pip install 'nltools[arma]'"
n_jobs = kwargs.pop("n_jobs", -1)
backend = kwargs.pop("backend", "threading")
max_nbytes = kwargs.pop("max_nbytes", 1e8)
verbose = kwargs.pop("verbose", 0)
# Parallelize if Y vector contains more than 1 column
if len(Y.shape) == 2:
if backend == "threading" and n_jobs == -1:
n_jobs = 10
par_for = Parallel(
n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose, backend=backend, max_nbytes=max_nbytes
out_arma = par_for(
delayed(_arma_func)(X, Y, idx=i, **kwargs) for i in range(Y.shape[-1])
b = np.column_stack([elem[0] for elem in out_arma])
t = np.column_stack([elem[1] for elem in out_arma])
p = np.column_stack([elem[2] for elem in out_arma])
df = np.array([elem[3] for elem in out_arma])
res = np.column_stack([elem[4] for elem in out_arma])
b, t, p, df, res = _arma_func(X, Y, **kwargs)
# Arma models don't return stderr, so make a variable for consistent function
# return values
stderr = np.empty_like(b)
return (
def regress_permutation(
X, Y, n_permute=5000, tail=2, random_state=None, verbose=False, **kwargs
Permuted regression. Permute the design matrix each time by shuffling rows before running the estimation.
X (ndarray): design matrix; assumes intercept is included
Y (ndarray): dependent variable array; if 2d, a model is fit to each column of Y separately
n_permute: (int) number of permutations
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs.
kwargs: optional argument to regress()
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
b, t = regress(X, Y, stats="tstats", **kwargs)
p = np.zeros_like(t)
if tail == 1:
pos_mask = np.where(t >= 0)
neg_mask = np.where(t <= 0)
elif tail != 2:
raise ValueError("tail must be 1 or 2")
if (X.shape[1] == 1) and (all(X[:].values == 1.0)):
if verbose:
print("Running 1-sample sign flip test")
func = lambda x: (x.squeeze() * random_state.choice([1, -1], x.shape[0]))[
:, np.newaxis
if verbose:
print("Running permuted OLS")
func = random_state.permutation
# We could optionally Save (X.T * X)^-1 * X.T so we dont have to invert each permutation, but this would require not relying on regress() and because the second-level design mat is probably on the small side we might not actually save that much time
# inv = np.linalg.pinv(X)
for _ in range(n_permute):
_, _t = regress(func(X.values), Y, stats="tstats", **kwargs)
if tail == 2:
p += np.abs(_t) >= np.abs(t)
elif tail == 1:
pos_p = _t >= t
neg_p = _t <= t
p[pos_mask] += pos_p[pos_mask]
p[neg_mask] += neg_p[neg_mask]
p /= n_permute
return b, t, p
[docs]def align(data, method="deterministic_srm", n_features=None, axis=0, *args, **kwargs):
"""Align subject data into a common response model.
Can be used to hyperalign source data to target data using
Hyperalignment from Dartmouth (i.e., procrustes transformation; see
nltools.stats.procrustes) or Shared Response Model from Princeton (see
nltools.external.srm). (see nltools.data.Brain_Data.align for aligning
a single Brain object to another). Common Model is shared response
model or centered target data. Transformed data can be back projected to
original data using Tranformation matrix. Inputs must be a list of Brain_Data
instances or numpy arrays (observations by features).
data: (list) A list of Brain_Data objects
method: (str) alignment method to use
n_features: (int) number of features to align to common space.
If None then will select number of voxels
axis: (int) axis to align on
out: (dict) a dictionary containing a list of transformed subject
matrices, a list of transformation matrices, the shared
response matrix, and the intersubject correlation of the shared resposnes
- Hyperalign using procrustes transform:
>>> out = align(data, method='procrustes')
- Align using shared response model:
>>> out = align(data, method='probabilistic_srm', n_features=None)
- Project aligned data into original data:
>>> original_data = [np.dot(t.data,tm.T) for t,tm in zip(out['transformed'], out['transformation_matrix'])]
from nltools.data import Brain_Data, Adjacency
if not isinstance(data, list):
raise ValueError("Make sure you are inputting data is a list.")
if not all(type(x) for x in data):
raise ValueError("Make sure all objects in the list are the same type.")
if method not in ["probabilistic_srm", "deterministic_srm", "procrustes"]:
raise ValueError(
"Method must be ['probabilistic_srm','deterministic_srm','procrustes']"
data = deepcopy(data)
if isinstance(data[0], Brain_Data):
data_type = "Brain_Data"
data_out = [x.copy() for x in data]
transformation_out = [x.copy() for x in data]
data = [x.data.T for x in data]
elif isinstance(data[0], np.ndarray):
data_type = "numpy"
data = [x.T for x in data]
raise ValueError("Type %s is not implemented yet." % type(data[0]))
# Align over time or voxels
if axis == 1:
data = [x.T for x in data]
elif axis != 0:
raise ValueError("axis must be 0 or 1.")
out = {}
if method in ["deterministic_srm", "probabilistic_srm"]:
if n_features is None:
n_features = int(data[0].shape[0])
if method == "deterministic_srm":
srm = DetSRM(features=n_features, *args, **kwargs)
elif method == "probabilistic_srm":
srm = SRM(features=n_features, *args, **kwargs)
out["transformed"] = [x for x in srm.transform(data)]
out["common_model"] = srm.s_.T
out["transformation_matrix"] = srm.w_
elif method == "procrustes":
if n_features is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Currently must use all voxels."
"Eventually will add a PCA reduction,"
"must do this manually for now."
sizes_0 = [x.shape[0] for x in data]
sizes_1 = [x.shape[1] for x in data]
# find the smallest number of rows
R = min(sizes_0)
C = max(sizes_1)
m = [np.empty((R, C), dtype=np.ndarray)] * len(data)
# Pad rows with different sizes with zeros
for i, x in enumerate(data):
y = x[0:R, :]
missing = C - y.shape[1]
add = np.zeros((y.shape[0], missing))
y = np.append(y, add, axis=1)
m[i] = y
for i, x in enumerate(m):
if i == 0:
# use first data as template
template = np.copy(x.T)
_, trans, _, _, _ = procrustes(template / i, x.T)
template += trans
template /= len(m)
# align each subj to the template from STEP 1
# and create a new common template based on avg
common = np.zeros(template.shape)
for i, x in enumerate(m):
_, trans, _, _, _ = procrustes(template, x.T)
common += trans
common /= len(m)
aligned = []
transformation_matrix = []
disparity = []
scale = []
for i, x in enumerate(m):
_, transformed, d, t, s = procrustes(common, x.T)
out["transformed"] = aligned
out["common_model"] = common
out["transformation_matrix"] = transformation_matrix
out["disparity"] = disparity
out["scale"] = scale
if axis == 1:
out["transformed"] = [x.T for x in out["transformed"]]
out["common_model"] = out["common_model"].T
if data_type == "Brain_Data":
out["transformation_matrix"] = [x.T for x in out["transformation_matrix"]]
# Calculate Intersubject correlation on aligned components
if n_features is None:
n_features = out["common_model"].shape[1]
a = Adjacency()
for f in range(n_features):
a = a.append(
- pairwise_distances(
np.array([x[f, :] for x in out["transformed"]]),
out["isc"] = dict(zip(np.arange(n_features), a.mean(axis=1)))
if data_type == "Brain_Data":
if method == "procrustes":
for i, x in enumerate(out["transformed"]):
data_out[i].data = x.T
out["transformed"] = data_out
common = data_out[0].copy()
common.data = out["common_model"]
out["common_model"] = common
out["transformed"] = [x.T for x in out["transformed"]]
for i, x in enumerate(out["transformation_matrix"]):
transformation_out[i].data = x.T
out["transformation_matrix"] = transformation_out
return out
[docs]def procrustes(data1, data2):
"""Procrustes analysis, a similarity test for two data sets.
Each input matrix is a set of points or vectors (the rows of the matrix).
The dimension of the space is the number of columns of each matrix. Given
two identically sized matrices, procrustes standardizes both such that:
- :math:`tr(AA^{T}) = 1`.
- Both sets of points are centered around the origin.
Procrustes ([1]_, [2]_) then applies the optimal transform to the second
matrix (including scaling/dilation, rotations, and reflections) to minimize
:math:`M^{2}=\sum(data1-data2)^{2}`, or the sum of the squares of the
pointwise differences between the two input datasets.
This function was not designed to handle datasets with different numbers of
datapoints (rows). If two data sets have different dimensionality
(different number of columns), this function will add columns of zeros to
the smaller of the two.
data1 : array_like
Matrix, n rows represent points in k (columns) space `data1` is the
reference data, after it is standardised, the data from `data2`
will be transformed to fit the pattern in `data1` (must have >1
unique points).
data2 : array_like
n rows of data in k space to be fit to `data1`. Must be the same
shape ``(numrows, numcols)`` as data1 (must have >1 unique points).
mtx1 : array_like
A standardized version of `data1`.
mtx2 : array_like
The orientation of `data2` that best fits `data1`. Centered, but not
necessarily :math:`tr(AA^{T}) = 1`.
disparity : float
:math:`M^{2}` as defined above.
R : (N, N) ndarray
The matrix solution of the orthogonal Procrustes problem.
Minimizes the Frobenius norm of dot(data1, R) - data2, subject to
dot(R.T, R) == I.
scale : float
Sum of the singular values of ``dot(data1.T, data2)``.
mtx1 = np.array(data1, dtype=np.double, copy=True)
mtx2 = np.array(data2, dtype=np.double, copy=True)
if mtx1.ndim != 2 or mtx2.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("Input matrices must be two-dimensional")
if mtx1.shape[0] != mtx2.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Input matrices must have same number of rows.")
if mtx1.size == 0:
raise ValueError("Input matrices must be >0 rows and >0 cols")
if mtx1.shape[1] != mtx2.shape[1]:
# Pad with zeros
if mtx1.shape[1] > mtx2.shape[1]:
mtx2 = np.append(
mtx2, np.zeros((mtx1.shape[0], mtx1.shape[1] - mtx2.shape[1])), axis=1
mtx1 = np.append(
mtx1, np.zeros((mtx1.shape[0], mtx2.shape[1] - mtx1.shape[1])), axis=1
# translate all the data to the origin
mtx1 -= np.mean(mtx1, 0)
mtx2 -= np.mean(mtx2, 0)
norm1 = np.linalg.norm(mtx1)
norm2 = np.linalg.norm(mtx2)
if norm1 == 0 or norm2 == 0:
raise ValueError("Input matrices must contain >1 unique points")
# change scaling of data (in rows) such that trace(mtx*mtx') = 1
mtx1 /= norm1
mtx2 /= norm2
# transform mtx2 to minimize disparity
R, s = orthogonal_procrustes(mtx1, mtx2)
mtx2 = np.dot(mtx2, R.T) * s
# measure the dissimilarity between the two datasets
disparity = np.sum(np.square(mtx1 - mtx2))
return mtx1, mtx2, disparity, R, s
[docs]def double_center(mat):
"""Double center a 2d array.
mat (ndarray): 2d numpy array
mat (ndarray): double-centered version of input
if len(mat.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Array should be 2d")
# keepdims ensures that row/column means are not incorrectly broadcast during subtraction
row_mean = mat.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)
col_mean = mat.mean(axis=1, keepdims=True)
grand_mean = mat.mean()
return mat - row_mean - col_mean + grand_mean
[docs]def u_center(mat):
"""U-center a 2d array. U-centering is a bias-corrected form of double-centering
mat (ndarray): 2d numpy array
mat (narray): u-centered version of input
if len(mat.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Array should be 2d")
dim = mat.shape[0]
u_mu = mat.sum() / ((dim - 1) * (dim - 2))
sum_cols = mat.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True)
sum_rows = mat.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
u_mu_cols = np.ones((dim, 1)).dot(sum_cols / (dim - 2))
u_mu_rows = (sum_rows / (dim - 2)).dot(np.ones((1, dim)))
out = np.copy(mat)
# Do one operation at a time, to improve broadcasting memory usage.
out -= u_mu_rows
out -= u_mu_cols
out += u_mu
# The diagonal is zero
out[np.eye(dim, dtype=bool)] = 0
return out
[docs]def distance_correlation(x, y, bias_corrected=True, ttest=False):
Compute the distance correlation betwen 2 arrays to test for multivariate dependence (linear or non-linear). Arrays must match on their first dimension. It's almost always preferable to compute the bias_corrected version which can also optionally perform a ttest. This ttest operates on a statistic thats ~dcorr^2 and will be also returned.
Distance correlation involves computing the normalized covariance of two centered euclidean distance matrices. Each distance matrix is the euclidean distance between rows (if x or y are 2d) or scalars (if x or y are 1d). Each matrix is centered prior to computing the covariance either using double-centering or u-centering, which corrects for bias as the number of dimensions increases. U-centering is almost always preferred in all cases. It also permits inference of the normalized covariance between each distance matrix using a one-tailed directional t-test. (Szekely & Rizzo, 2013). While distance correlation is normally bounded between 0 and 1, u-centering can produce negative estimates, which are never significant.
Validated against the dcor and dcor.ttest functions in the 'energy' R package and the dcor.distance_correlation, dcor.udistance_correlation_sqr, and dcor.independence.distance_correlation_t_test functions in the dcor Python package.
x (ndarray): 1d or 2d numpy array of observations by features
y (ndarry): 1d or 2d numpy array of observations by features
bias_corrected (bool): if false use double-centering which produces a biased-estimate that converges to 1 as the number of dimensions increase. Otherwise used u-centering to correct this bias. **Note** this must be True if ttest=True; default True
ttest (bool): perform a ttest using the bias_corrected distance correlation; default False
results (dict): dictionary of results (correlation, t, p, and df.) Optionally, covariance, x variance, and y variance
if len(x.shape) > 2 or len(y.shape) > 2:
raise ValueError("Both arrays must be 1d or 2d")
if (not bias_corrected) and ttest:
raise ValueError("bias_corrected must be true to perform ttest!")
# 1 compute euclidean distances between pairs of value in each array
if len(x.shape) == 1:
_x = x[:, np.newaxis]
_x = x
if len(y.shape) == 1:
_y = y[:, np.newaxis]
_y = y
x_dist = squareform(pdist(_x))
y_dist = squareform(pdist(_y))
# 2 center each matrix
if bias_corrected:
# U-centering
x_dist_cent = u_center(x_dist)
y_dist_cent = u_center(y_dist)
# Compute covariances using N*(N-3) in denominator
adjusted_n = _x.shape[0] * (_x.shape[0] - 3)
xy = np.multiply(x_dist_cent, y_dist_cent).sum() / adjusted_n
xx = np.multiply(x_dist_cent, x_dist_cent).sum() / adjusted_n
yy = np.multiply(y_dist_cent, y_dist_cent).sum() / adjusted_n
# double-centering
x_dist_cent = double_center(x_dist)
y_dist_cent = double_center(y_dist)
# Compute covariances using N^2 in denominator
xy = np.multiply(x_dist_cent, y_dist_cent).mean()
xx = np.multiply(x_dist_cent, x_dist_cent).mean()
yy = np.multiply(y_dist_cent, y_dist_cent).mean()
# 3 Normalize to get correlation
denom = np.sqrt(xx * yy)
dcor = xy / denom
out = {}
if dcor < 0:
# This will only apply in the bias_corrected case as values can be < 0
out["dcorr"] = 0
out["dcorr"] = np.sqrt(dcor)
if bias_corrected:
out["dcorr_squared"] = dcor
if ttest:
dof = (adjusted_n / 2) - 1
t = np.sqrt(dof) * (dcor / np.sqrt(1 - dcor**2))
p = 1 - t_dist.cdf(t, dof)
out["t"] = t
out["p"] = p
out["df"] = dof
return out
[docs]def procrustes_distance(
mat1, mat2, n_permute=5000, tail=2, n_jobs=-1, random_state=None
"""Use procrustes super-position to perform a similarity test between 2 matrices. Matrices need to match in size on their first dimension only, as the smaller matrix on the second dimension will be padded with zeros. After aligning two matrices using the procrustes transformation, use the computed disparity between them (sum of squared error of elements) as a similarity metric. Shuffle the rows of one of the matrices and recompute the disparity to perform inference (Peres-Neto & Jackson, 2001).
mat1 (ndarray): 2d numpy array; must have same number of rows as mat2
mat2 (ndarray): 1d or 2d numpy array; must have same number of rows as mat1
n_permute (int): number of permutation iterations to perform
tail (int): either 1 for one-tailed or 2 for two-tailed test; default 2
n_jobs (int): The number of CPUs to use to do permutation; default -1 (all)
similarity (float): similarity between matrices bounded between 0 and 1
pval (float): permuted p-value
# raise NotImplementedError("procrustes distance is not currently implemented")
if mat1.shape[0] != mat2.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Both arrays must match on their first dimension")
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
# Make sure both matrices are 2d and the same dimension via padding
if len(mat1.shape) < 2:
mat1 = mat1[:, np.newaxis]
if len(mat2.shape) < 2:
mat2 = mat2[:, np.newaxis]
if mat1.shape[1] > mat2.shape[1]:
mat2 = np.pad(mat2, ((0, 0), (0, mat1.shape[1] - mat2.shape[1])), "constant")
elif mat2.shape[1] > mat1.shape[1]:
mat1 = np.pad(mat1, ((0, 0), (0, mat2.shape[1] - mat1.shape[1])), "constant")
_, _, sse = procrust(mat1, mat2)
stats = {"similarity": sse}
all_p = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
delayed(procrust)(random_state.permutation(mat1), mat2)
for _ in range(n_permute)
all_p = [1 - x[2] for x in all_p]
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_p, sse, tail)
return stats
[docs]def find_spikes(data, global_spike_cutoff=3, diff_spike_cutoff=3):
"""Function to identify spikes from fMRI Time Series Data
data: Brain_Data or nibabel instance
global_spike_cutoff: (int,None) cutoff to identify spikes in global signal
in standard deviations, None indicates do not calculate.
diff_spike_cutoff: (int,None) cutoff to identify spikes in average frame difference
in standard deviations, None indicates do not calculate.
pandas dataframe with spikes as indicator variables
from nltools.data import Brain_Data
if (global_spike_cutoff is None) & (diff_spike_cutoff is None):
raise ValueError("Did not input any cutoffs to identify spikes in this data.")
if isinstance(data, Brain_Data):
data = deepcopy(data.data)
global_mn = np.mean(data.data, axis=1)
frame_diff = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(data.data, axis=0)), axis=1)
elif isinstance(data, nib.Nifti1Image):
data = deepcopy(data.get_fdata())
if len(data.shape) > 3:
data = np.squeeze(data)
elif len(data.shape) < 3:
raise ValueError("nibabel instance does not appear to be 4D data.")
global_mn = np.mean(data, axis=(0, 1, 2))
frame_diff = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(data, axis=3)), axis=(0, 1, 2))
raise ValueError(
"Currently this function can only accomodate Brain_Data and nibabel instances"
if global_spike_cutoff is not None:
global_outliers = np.append(
global_mn > np.mean(global_mn) + np.std(global_mn) * global_spike_cutoff
global_mn < np.mean(global_mn) - np.std(global_mn) * global_spike_cutoff
if diff_spike_cutoff is not None:
frame_outliers = np.append(
> np.mean(frame_diff) + np.std(frame_diff) * diff_spike_cutoff
< np.mean(frame_diff) - np.std(frame_diff) * diff_spike_cutoff
# build spike regressors
outlier = pd.DataFrame([x + 1 for x in range(len(global_mn))], columns=["TR"])
if global_spike_cutoff is not None:
for i, loc in enumerate(global_outliers):
outlier["global_spike" + str(i + 1)] = 0
outlier["global_spike" + str(i + 1)].iloc[int(loc)] = 1
# build FD regressors
if diff_spike_cutoff is not None:
for i, loc in enumerate(frame_outliers):
outlier["diff_spike" + str(i + 1)] = 0
outlier["diff_spike" + str(i + 1)].iloc[int(loc)] = 1
return outlier
def phase_randomize(data, random_state=None):
"""Perform phase randomization on time-series signal
This procedure preserves the power spectrum/autocorrelation,
but destroys any nonlinear behavior. Based on the algorithm
described in:
Theiler, J., Galdrikian, B., Longtin, A., Eubank, S., & Farmer, J. D. (1991).
Testing for nonlinearity in time series: the method of surrogate data
(No. LA-UR-91-3343; CONF-9108181-1). Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States).
Lancaster, G., Iatsenko, D., Pidde, A., Ticcinelli, V., & Stefanovska, A. (2018).
Surrogate data for hypothesis testing of physical systems. Physics Reports, 748, 1-60.
1. Calculate the Fourier transform ftx of the original signal xn.
2. Generate a vector of random phases in the range[0, 2π]) with
length L/2,where L is the length of the time series.
3. As the Fourier transform is symmetrical, to create the new phase
randomized vector ftr , multiply the first half of ftx (i.e.the half
corresponding to the positive frequencies) by exp(iφr) to create the
first half of ftr.The remainder of ftr is then the horizontally flipped
complex conjugate of the first half.
4. Finally, the inverse Fourier transform of ftr gives the FT surrogate.
data: (np.array) data (can be 1d or 2d, time by features)
random_state: (int, None, or np.random.RandomState) Initial random seed (default: None)
shifted_data: (np.array) phase randomized data
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
data = np.array(data)
fft_data = fft(data, axis=0)
if data.shape[0] % 2 == 0:
pos_freq = np.arange(1, data.shape[0] // 2)
neg_freq = np.arange(data.shape[0] - 1, data.shape[0] // 2, -1)
pos_freq = np.arange(1, (data.shape[0] - 1) // 2 + 1)
neg_freq = np.arange(data.shape[0] - 1, (data.shape[0] - 1) // 2, -1)
if len(data.shape) == 1:
phase_shifts = random_state.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, size=(len(pos_freq)))
fft_data[pos_freq] *= np.exp(1j * phase_shifts)
fft_data[neg_freq] *= np.exp(-1j * phase_shifts)
phase_shifts = random_state.uniform(
0, 2 * np.pi, size=(len(pos_freq), data.shape[1])
fft_data[pos_freq, :] *= np.exp(1j * phase_shifts)
fft_data[neg_freq, :] *= np.exp(-1j * phase_shifts)
return np.real(ifft(fft_data, axis=0))
def circle_shift(data, random_state=None):
"""Circle shift data for each feature
data: time series (1D or 2D). If 2D, then must be observations by features
random_state: (int, None, or np.random.RandomState) Initial random seed (default: None)
shifted data
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
data = np.array(data)
if len(data.shape) == 1:
shift = random_state.choice(np.arange(len(data)), replace=False)
shifted = np.concatenate((data[-shift:], data[:-shift]))
shift = random_state.choice(
np.arange(data.shape[0]), size=data.shape[1], replace=False
shifted = np.array(
np.concatenate([data[-int(s) :, int(d)], data[: -int(s), int(d)]])
for d, s in zip(range(data.shape[1]), shift)
return shifted
def _bootstrap_isc(
similarity_matrix, metric="median", exclude_self_corr=True, random_state=None
"""Helper function to compute bootstrapped ISC from Adjacency Instance
This function implements the subject-wise bootstrap method discussed in Chen et al., 2016.
Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B.,
& Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I:
nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level.
NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
similarity_matrix: (Adjacency) Adjacency matrix of pairwise correlation values
metric: (str) type of summary statistic (Default: median)
exclude_self_corr: (bool) set correlations with random draws of same subject to NaN (Default: True)
random_state: random_state instance for permutation
isc: summary statistic of bootstrapped similarity matrix
from nltools.data import Adjacency
if not isinstance(similarity_matrix, Adjacency):
raise ValueError("similarity_matrix must be an Adjacency instance.")
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
square = similarity_matrix.squareform()
n_sub = square.shape[0]
np.fill_diagonal(square, 1)
bootstrap_subject = sorted(
random_state.choice(np.arange(n_sub), size=n_sub, replace=True)
bootstrap_sample = Adjacency(
square[bootstrap_subject, :][:, bootstrap_subject], matrix_type="similarity"
if exclude_self_corr:
bootstrap_sample.data[bootstrap_sample.data == 1] = np.nan
if metric == "mean":
return np.tanh(bootstrap_sample.r_to_z().mean())
elif metric == "median":
return bootstrap_sample.median()
def _compute_isc(data, metric="median"):
"""Helper function to compute intersubject correlation from observations by subjects array.
data: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) observations by subjects where isc is computed across subjects
metric: (str) type of isc metric ['mean','median']
isc: (float) intersubject correlation coefficient
from nltools.data import Adjacency
similarity = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(data.T, metric="correlation"), matrix_type="similarity"
if metric == "mean":
isc = np.tanh(similarity.r_to_z().mean())
elif metric == "median":
isc = similarity.median()
return isc
[docs]def isc(
"""Compute pairwise intersubject correlation from observations by subjects array.
This function computes pairwise intersubject correlations (ISC) using the median as recommended by Chen
et al., 2016). However, if the mean is preferred, we compute the mean correlation after performing
the fisher r-to-z transformation and then convert back to correlations to minimize artificially
inflating the correlation values.
There are currently three different methods to compute p-values. These include the classic methods for
computing permuted time-series by either circle-shifting the data or phase-randomizing the data
(see Lancaster et al., 2018). These methods create random surrogate data while preserving the temporal
autocorrelation inherent to the signal. By default, we use the subject-wise bootstrap method from
Chen et al., 2016. Instead of recomputing the pairwise ISC using circle_shift or phase_randomization methods,
this approach uses the computationally more efficient method of bootstrapping the subjects
and computing a new pairwise similarity matrix with randomly selected subjects with replacement.
If the same subject is selected multiple times, we set the perfect correlation to a nan with
(exclude_self_corr=True). We compute the p-values using the percentile method using the same
method in Brainiak.
Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B.,
& Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I:
nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level.
NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
Hall, P., & Wilson, S. R. (1991). Two guidelines for bootstrap hypothesis testing.
Biometrics, 757-762.
Lancaster, G., Iatsenko, D., Pidde, A., Ticcinelli, V., & Stefanovska, A. (2018).
Surrogate data for hypothesis testing of physical systems. Physics Reports, 748, 1-60.
data: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) observations by subjects where isc is computed across subjects
n_samples: (int) number of random samples/bootstraps
metric: (str) type of isc summary metric ['mean','median']
method: (str) method to compute p-values ['bootstrap', 'circle_shift','phase_randomize'] (default: bootstrap)
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs.
return_null: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p']
from nltools.data import Adjacency
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
if not isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("data must be a pandas dataframe or numpy array")
if metric not in ["mean", "median"]:
raise ValueError("metric must be ['mean', 'median']")
stats = {"isc": _compute_isc(data, metric=metric)}
similarity = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(data.T, metric="correlation"), matrix_type="similarity"
if method == "bootstrap":
all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
for _ in range(n_samples)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_bootstraps - stats["isc"], stats["isc"], tail)
elif method == "circle_shift":
all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
circle_shift(data, random_state=random_state), metric=metric
for _ in range(n_samples)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_bootstraps, stats["isc"], tail)
elif method == "phase_randomize":
all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
phase_randomize(data, random_state=random_state), metric=metric
for _ in range(n_samples)
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(all_bootstraps, stats["isc"], tail)
raise NotImplementedError(
"method can only be ['bootstrap', 'circle_shift','phase_randomize']"
stats["ci"] = (
np.percentile(np.array(all_bootstraps), (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0),
np.array(all_bootstraps), ci_percentile + (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0
if return_null:
stats["null_distribution"] = all_bootstraps
return stats
def _compute_isc_group(group1, group2, metric="median"):
"""Helper function to compute intersubject correlation difference between two groups from either:
1) an observations by subjects array
2) or an Adjacency instance of a similarity matrix.
group1: (pd.DataFrame, np.array, Adjacency) group1 data or similarity matrix
group2: (pd.DataFrame, np.array,Adjacency) group2 data or similarity matrix
metric: (str) type of isc metric ['mean','median']
isc: (float) intersubject correlation coefficient difference across groups
from nltools.data import Adjacency
if isinstance(group1, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) and isinstance(
group2, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)
if group1.shape[0] != group2.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
"group1 has a different number of observations from group2."
similarity_group1 = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(group1.T, metric="correlation"),
similarity_group2 = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(group2.T, metric="correlation"),
elif isinstance(group1, (Adjacency)) and isinstance(group2, (Adjacency)):
similarity_group1 = group1
similarity_group2 = group2
raise ValueError(
"group1 and group2 data must either be a observation by feature matrix or Adjacency instances."
if metric == "mean":
isc_group1 = np.tanh(similarity_group1.r_to_z().mean())
isc_group2 = np.tanh(similarity_group2.r_to_z().mean())
elif metric == "median":
isc_group1 = similarity_group1.median()
isc_group2 = similarity_group2.median()
return isc_group1 - isc_group2
def _permute_isc_group(similarity_matrix, group, metric="median", random_state=None):
"""Helper function to compute ISC differences between groups from Adjacency instance
This function implements the subject-wise permutation method discussed in Chen et al., 2016.
Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B.,
& Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I:
nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level.
NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
similarity_matrix: (Adjacency) Adjacency matrix of pairwise correlation values
group: (numpy array) Array indicating group 1 and group 2 order (i.e., np.array([1,1,1,2,2,2]))
metric: (str) type of summary statistic (Default: median)
exclude_self_corr: (bool) set correlations with random draws of same subject to NaN (Default: True)
random_state: random_state instance for permutation
isc: summary statistic of bootstrapped similarity matrix
from nltools.data import Adjacency
if not isinstance(similarity_matrix, Adjacency):
raise ValueError("similarity_matrix must be an Adjacency instance.")
if not isinstance(group, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError("group must be a numpy array.")
if len(group) != similarity_matrix.square_shape()[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Group array must be the same length as the similarity matrix."
if len(np.unique(group)) != 2:
raise ValueError("There must only be 2 unique group ids in the group array.")
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
group1_id, group2_id = np.unique(group)
permute_group = permute_group = random_state.permutation(group)
permute_order = np.concatenate(
np.where(permute_group == group1_id)[0],
np.where(permute_group == group2_id)[0],
permuted_matrix = similarity_matrix.squareform()[permute_order, :][:, permute_order]
group1_similarity_permuted = Adjacency(
permuted_matrix[group == group1_id, :][:, group == group1_id],
group2_similarity_permuted = Adjacency(
permuted_matrix[group == group2_id, :][:, group == group2_id],
return _compute_isc_group(
group1_similarity_permuted, group2_similarity_permuted, metric=metric
[docs]def isc_group(
"""Compute difference in intersubject correlation between groups.
This function computes pairwise intersubject correlations (ISC) using the median as recommended by Chen
et al., 2016). However, if the mean is preferred, we compute the mean correlation after performing
the fisher r-to-z transformation and then convert back to correlations to minimize artificially
inflating the correlation values.
There are currently two different methods to compute p-values. By default, we use the subject-wise permutation
method recommended Chen et al., 2016. This method combines the two groups and computes pairwise similarity both
within and between the groups. Then the group labels are permuted and the mean difference between the two groups
are recomputed to generate a null distribution. The second method uses subject-wise bootstrapping, where a new
pairwise similarity matrix with randomly selected subjects with replacement is created separately for each group
and the ISC difference between these groups is used to generate a null distribution. If the same subject is
selected multiple times, we set the perfect correlation to a nan with (exclude_self_corr=True). We compute the
p-values using the percentile method (Hall & Wilson, 1991).
Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B.,
& Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I:
nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level.
NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
Hall, P., & Wilson, S. R. (1991). Two guidelines for bootstrap hypothesis testing.
Biometrics, 757-762.
group1: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) observations by subjects where isc is computed across subjects
group2: (pd.DataFrame, np.array) observations by subjects where isc is computed across subjects
n_samples: (int) number of samples for permutation or bootstrapping
metric: (str) type of isc summary metric ['mean','median']
method: (str) method to compute p-values ['bootstrap', 'circle_shift','phase_randomize'] (default: bootstrap)
tail: (int) either 1 for one-tail or 2 for two-tailed test (default: 2)
n_jobs: (int) The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. -1 means all CPUs.
return_null: (bool) Return the permutation distribution along with the p-value; default False
stats: (dict) dictionary of permutation results ['correlation','p']
from nltools.data import Adjacency
random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
for group_data in [group1, group2]:
if not isinstance(group_data, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError("group data must be a pandas dataframe or numpy array")
if metric not in ["mean", "median"]:
raise ValueError("metric must be ['mean', 'median']")
if group1.shape[0] != group2.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("group1 has a different number of observations from group2.")
stats = {"isc_group_difference": _compute_isc_group(group1, group2, metric=metric)}
if method == "permute":
data = np.concatenate([group1, group2], axis=1)
group = np.array([1] * group1.shape[1] + [2] * group2.shape[1])
similarity = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(data.T, metric="correlation"),
isc_group_differences_null = np.array(
similarity, group, metric=metric, random_state=random_state
for _ in range(n_samples)
elif method == "bootstrap":
group1_similarity = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(group1.T, metric="correlation"),
group1_all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
for _ in range(n_samples)
group2_similarity = Adjacency(
1 - pairwise_distances(group2.T, metric="correlation"),
group2_all_bootstraps = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(
for _ in range(n_samples)
isc_group_differences_null = (
np.array(group1_all_bootstraps) - np.array(group2_all_bootstraps)
) - stats["isc_group_difference"]
raise NotImplementedError("method can only be ['permutation', 'bootstrap']")
isc_group_differences_null = isc_group_differences_null[
stats["p"] = _calc_pvalue(
isc_group_differences_null, stats["isc_group_difference"], tail
stats["ci"] = (
np.percentile(isc_group_differences_null, (100 - ci_percentile) / 2, axis=0),
ci_percentile + (100 - ci_percentile) / 2,
if return_null:
stats["null_distribution"] = isc_group_differences_null
return stats
def _compute_matrix_correlation(matrix1, matrix2):
"""Computes the intersubject functional correlation between 2 matrices (observation x feature)"""
return np.corrcoef(matrix1.T, matrix2.T)[matrix1.shape[1] :, : matrix2.shape[1]]
[docs]def isfc(data, method="average"):
"""Compute intersubject functional connectivity (ISFC) from a list of observation x feature matrices
This function uses the leave one out approach to compute ISFC (Simony et al., 2016).
For each subject, compute the cross-correlation between each voxel/roi
with the average of the rest of the subjects data. In other words,
compute the mean voxel/ROI response for all participants except the
target subject. Then compute the correlation between each ROI within
the target subject with the mean ROI response in the group average.
Simony, E., Honey, C. J., Chen, J., Lositsky, O., Yeshurun, Y., Wiesel, A., & Hasson, U. (2016).
Dynamic reconfiguration of the default mode network during narrative comprehension.
Nature communications, 7, 12141.
data: list of subject matrices (observations x voxels/rois)
method: approach to computing ISFC. 'average' uses leave one
list of subject ISFC matrices
subjects = np.arange(len(data))
if method == "average":
sub_isfc = []
for target in subjects:
m1 = data[target]
sub_mean = np.zeros(m1.shape)
for y in (y for y in subjects if y != target):
sub_mean += data[y]
_compute_matrix_correlation(m1, sub_mean / (len(subjects) - 1))
raise NotImplementedError(
"Only average method is implemented. Pairwise will be added at some point."
return sub_isfc
[docs]def isps(data, sampling_freq=0.5, low_cut=0.04, high_cut=0.07, order=5, pairwise=False):
"""Compute Dynamic Intersubject Phase Synchrony (ISPS from a observation by subject array)
This function computes the instantaneous intersubject phase synchrony for a single voxel/roi
timeseries. Requires multiple subjects. This method is largely based on that described by Glerean
et al., 2012 and performs a hilbert transform on narrow bandpass filtered timeseries (butterworth)
data to get the instantaneous phase angle. The function returns a dictionary containing the
average phase angle, the average vector length, and parametric p-values computed using the rayleigh test using circular
statistics (Fisher, 1993). If pairwise=True, then it will compute these on the pairwise phase angle differences,
if pairwise=False, it will compute these on the actual phase angles. This is called inter-site phase coupling
or inter-trial phase coupling respectively in the EEG literatures.
This function requires narrow band filtering your data. As a default we use the recommendations
by (Glerean et al., 2012) of .04-.07Hz. This is similar to the "slow-4" band (0.025–0.067 Hz)
described by (Zuo et al., 2010; Penttonen & Buzsáki, 2003), but excludes the .03 band, which has been
demonstrated to contain aliased respiration signals (Birn, 2006).
Birn RM, Smith MA, Bandettini PA, Diamond JB. 2006. Separating respiratory-variation-related
fluctuations from neuronal-activity- related fluctuations in fMRI. Neuroimage 31:1536–1548.
Buzsáki, G., & Draguhn, A. (2004). Neuronal oscillations in cortical networks. Science,
304(5679), 1926-1929.
Fisher, N. I. (1995). Statistical analysis of circular data. cambridge university press.
Glerean, E., Salmi, J., Lahnakoski, J. M., Jääskeläinen, I. P., & Sams, M. (2012).
Functional magnetic resonance imaging phase synchronization as a measure of dynamic
functional connectivity. Brain connectivity, 2(2), 91-101.
data: (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray) observations x subjects data
sampling_freq: (float) sampling freqency of data in Hz
low_cut: (float) lower bound cutoff for high pass filter
high_cut: (float) upper bound cutoff for low pass filter
order: (int) filter order for butterworth bandpass
pairwise: (bool) compute phase angle coherence on pairwise phase angle differences
or on raw phase angle.
dictionary with mean phase angle, vector length, and rayleigh statistic
if not isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError(
"data must be a pandas dataframe or numpy array (observations by subjects)"
phase = np.angle(
pd.DataFrame(data), low_cut, high_cut, sampling_freq, order=order
if pairwise:
phase = np.array(
phase[:, i] - phase[:, j]
for i in range(phase.shape[1])
for j in range(phase.shape[1])
if i < j
out = {"average_angle": _phase_mean_angle(phase)}
out["vector_length"] = _phase_vector_length(phase)
out["p"] = _phase_rayleigh_p(phase)
return out
def _butter_bandpass_filter(data, low_cut, high_cut, fs, axis=0, order=5):
"""Apply a bandpass butterworth filter with zero-phase filtering
data: (np.array)
low_cut: (float) lower bound cutoff for high pass filter
high_cut: (float) upper bound cutoff for low pass filter
fs: (float) sampling frequency in Hz
axis: (int) axis to perform filtering.
order: (int) filter order for butterworth bandpass
bandpass filtered data.
nyq = 0.5 * fs
b, a = butter(order, [low_cut / nyq, high_cut / nyq], btype="band")
return filtfilt(b, a, data, axis=axis)
def _phase_mean_angle(phase_angles):
"""Compute mean phase angle using circular statistics
Can take 1D (observation for a single feature) or 2D (observation x feature) signals
Implementation from:
Fisher, N. I. (1995). Statistical analysis of circular data. cambridge university press.
phase_angles: (np.array) 1D or 2D array of phase angles
mean phase angle: (np.array)
axis = 0 if len(phase_angles.shape) == 1 else 1
return np.arctan2(
np.mean(np.sin(phase_angles), axis=axis),
np.mean(np.cos(phase_angles), axis=axis),
def _phase_vector_length(phase_angles):
"""Compute vector length of phase angles using circular statistics
Can take 1D (observation for a single feature) or 2D (observation x feature) signals
Implementation from:
Fisher, N. I. (1995). Statistical analysis of circular data. cambridge university press.
phase_angles: (np.array) 1D or 2D array of phase angles
phase angle vector length: (np.array)
axis = 0 if len(phase_angles.shape) == 1 else 1
return np.float32(
np.mean(np.cos(phase_angles), axis=axis) ** 2
+ np.mean(np.sin(phase_angles), axis=axis) ** 2
def _phase_rayleigh_p(phase_angles):
"""Compute the p-value of the phase_angles using the Rayleigh statistic
Note: this test assumes every time point is independent, which is unlikely to be true in a timeseries with autocorrelation
Implementation from:
Fisher, N. I. (1995). Statistical analysis of circular data. cambridge university press.
phase_angles: (np.array) 1D or 2D array of phase angles
p-values: (np.array)
n = len(phase_angles) if len(phase_angles.shape) == 1 else phase_angles.shape[1]
Z = n * _phase_vector_length(phase_angles) ** 2
if n <= 50:
return np.exp(-1 * Z) * (
+ (2 * Z - Z**2) / (4 * n)
- (24 * Z - 132 * Z**2 + 76 * Z**3 - 9 * Z**4) / (288 * n**2)
return np.exp(-1 * Z)
[docs]def align_states(
"""Align state weight maps using hungarian algorithm by minimizing pairwise distance between group states.
reference: (np.array) reference pattern x state matrix
target: (np.array) target pattern x state matrix to align to reference
metric: (str) distance metric to use
return_index: (bool) return index if True, return remapped data if False
replace_zero_variance: (bool) transform a vector with zero variance to random numbers from a uniform distribution.
Useful for when using correlation as a distance metric to avoid NaNs.
ordered_weights: (list) a list of reordered state X pattern matrices
if reference.shape != target.shape:
raise ValueError("reference and target must be the same size")
reference = np.array(reference)
target = np.array(target)
def replace_zero_variance_columns(data):
if np.any(data.std(axis=0) == 0):
for i in np.where(data.std(axis=0) == 0)[0]:
data[:, i] = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=data.shape[0])
return data
if replace_zero_variance:
reference = replace_zero_variance_columns(reference)
target = replace_zero_variance_columns(target)
remapping = linear_sum_assignment(
pairwise_distances(reference.T, target.T, metric=metric)
if return_index:
return remapping
return target[:, remapping]